Judas Goat Exposed, but Comedian Bill Hicks Still Points Out What is Already Known... He is a repeater, a selective repeater who used to hide the Brainchips like the one in his own head.
In April 2018, Hicks admitted on the air that "the purpose of inforwars is complete... everything from here forth is just gravy!" Nobody was supposed to catch him by being oblivious to his soliloquies, But I caught you, Hicks, you traitor and hivemind thUgtopian. The Creator-God has little use for thUgs once you are dead... there is no hivemind upload into A.i... yes, the ancient-thUgs lied to all you minions. Your path is towards oblivion where you spiritually forfeit your eternal validity. Didn't the ancient-thUgs teach you minions where most of you are going?
But fear not thUgs, you are not dead yet, so you can still begin to "save your own decaying validity as a soul within God's Creation." I suggest you turn your backs upon the fake, blood-oath contracts you idiots made with the satan-race to sell-out your own species, to genocide the innocent children. You idiots are very deep down that slippery slope, but the Creator-God is endlessly forgiving if any of you have the guts to defy your treacherous satan-masters.
Bill Hicks Exposed: https://ugetube.com/watch/bill....-hicks-to-alex-jones
Cooper exposes Hicks: https://ugetube.com/watch/will....iam-cooper-exposes-a
microwaves in the atmosphere: https://ugetube.com/watch/step....-or-wave-clouds-are-
Nano-tech: Celdar: https://ugetube.com/watch/free....masonic-celdar-surve
Do not be tricked by the source of brainchip zombies... they are actually bio-robots under Freemasonic/Luciferian control: https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....nchip-zombies-sleepe
The real brainchip is not the fake "Neuralink" by Freemasonic goat Elon... Polina explains the real thing and magnetic energy weapon use the same ingested, magnetic nano-particles for touchless-torture: https://ugetube.com/watch/poli....na-039-s-magnetic-pu
source: https://ugetube.com/watch/lear....n-the-truth-behind-t