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Comedian Bill Hicks aka Alex Jones Disrupts Pro Gun Rally Showing his Secret Masonic Colors

JamesRoss - 1,313 Views
Published on 16 Dec 2021 / In Firearms

I knew there was something wrong with Jones back in 2014, but there was no William Cooper around... assassinated by the Freemasons in order to flock the sheep over to him as a secretly masonic, fake-patriot.

In April 2018 Hicks admitted "The purpose of Infowars is done, everything from here on is just gravy."
I was waiting for something less obvious BAMMM!
I thought the Hicks stuff was unlikely 10 years ago, but this guy set me straight even though I no longer bothered with the fake Alex Jones already.

What Hicks job was to hide the rebuilding of the Tower-Of-Babel hivemind.
William Cooper would eventually discovered it and exposed it, so they assassinated Cooper right after 9/11 demolition. Cooper's CAJI would have sky-rocketed if Cooper was allowed to live. The Freemasons wanted Hick to replace Cooper as the world patriotic force for freedom.

Which you can see, Bill Hicks is a liar just like Cooper claimed...
The people behind Bill Hicks are within the Mystery School of murderous and genocidal thUgs.

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