Brainchip-Prophet/Judas-Goat (Kleck) Is Used To Misinform the Sheeple about Brainchip-Zombies
You need to invest in a scanner to locate the brainchipped-zombies... if you want to save them from becoming biorobots then monitor and stop the microwaves... the microwaves are used to power all the IOT nano-tech, so removing the brainchip is just half the solution... the microwave pollution must be stopped. All the microwaves are killing the wildlife, too, and even making clouds into stepped clouds.
Jonny Kleck is the Brainchipped-Harbinger(like Jan @ ExtremeRealityCheck) for Homo capensis that controls all the secret societies like Freemasonry and Eastern-Star minions.
Zombies are actually remote-control bio-robots under A.i. control.
The wall of water or flooding of New York may likely be the flood of brainchip-zombies... not a wall of salt-water.
My site was banned by Freemasons in early 2022 after I educated Jan @ ExtremeRealityCheck that she actually had been brainchipped to have her manufactured fake-prophetic dreams. I informed Kleck about the same thing, but Kleck is too thick to stop... Jan has pulled her videos off of Bitchute it seems... she has awoken to her puppetry... In the case of John Kleck, he is still an oblivious zombie.
Brainchip-zombies are being displayed upon many cameras around the world because Covid-19 is dying down... The sheeple need to be frightened again with something new... bio-robots will begin biting people and killing themselves... you need to get a scanner to protect your loved ones...
The swarming of zombies will be mainly heterodyned by A.i. supercomputers. Brainchipped Jan began telling the public about the zombie swarms here:

is the AI super computer the one that works out all this incredible gematria coding ritual celebrity sacrifice "suicides". you dont believe reptilians are real please tell me more

so you dont believe that Yeshua is son of God redemption etc? no God just Satan?