This Is The Way Freemasons Behave as Non-Cult-Sworn Sheeple Die... My Pet Goat - (Fahrenheit 911 Michael Moore WAS Controlled Opposition, Too)
Did you notice that the book "My Pet Goat" was held upsidedown on purpose??? Dubya Bush is just another Freemason puppet designed to hide the world-wide Cult of thUgs bringing in the NWO.
And his symbolic talks in front of fellow thUgs:
You laugh as how stupid Dubya is, but he is just another freemason front-man who's job is to take the sheeple's ridicule as the master's of the Mystery School Cult deploy their slaughter of the dumbed-down sheeple.
Let me help you if you don't know that the dumbed-down sheeple who laughted at Dubya... they took the clot-shot and lots of them did not get the plecebo. Operation "Covid-19" took their lives out of this probable-world... you see... Covid-19 means "Satan's Sheep Slaughter" and it is not a virus... it is a masonic-military operation to genocide the "useless-eaters" so the freemaons call the working-class people who support their lethargic, masonic behavior. Homo capensis have used technology to turn themselves into parasites upon Nature and other hominid species. These enlongated-skull thUgs cannot survive on their own efforts and so they farm Homo sapiens and dumb-us-down using culling, drugs and brainchips to help themselves survive.
Brainchips are a form a wickedness that you do not want to imbed into your skull:
Lets look at the significance of Dubya just sitting there as instructed by his implanted brainchip commanded him to do so...
All Cult minions do what they are told to do by the ancient thUgs( Homo capensis)
Freemasons are only dumb sheepdogs and have souled out their own soles... they are sold souls.
This old vid may help you see what is happening:
Dubya Bush is just a thUg-puppet who does what he is told to do to genocide humanity off of Earth... all Freemasons are on a quest to genocide Homo sapiens off of Earth for their worshipful, ancient, Failed-mankind, Homo capensis, their brainwashing-masters who lie about mind-uploads.... very smart and very treacherous ancient thUgs, you see. Freemasons are just stupid sheepdogs in their minds and unworthy of an extended life. Look at them... they have tried to genocide their own genetics which the Creator-God has tried to "save" from extinction... yet the Freemason idiots still try to genocide their own species off of Earth... Freemasons deserve to die along with all their other mystery school cult idiots... Freemasons thus deserve death of their rights to life(to even exist as cyborgs) since they will kill their own species off of Earth for the devils' lie to give them immortality. Mystery School Cult minions are the epitome of stupidity and thus they are the ones who deserve their own extinction... bye, bye, shit-hearted pie...

The Altar of Saint Peters is in the shape of a dead sheep's face:
Saint Peter was supposedly crucified upside-down.
Luciferians say: "To see the truth, turn it upside-down."
Georgie Dubbya is one of the presidential "pet goats" leading the sheep to the slaughter...

You see... this is so phony as Michael Moore cuts down Dubya Bush as the villian for the awakening sheeple.
Dubya is just a puppet and Michael Moore knows he is a brainchipped minion just like himself...
The sheeple are blamed because they do not have the guts to refute the corruption that they see within politics.
I explain the corruptions within the vatican masonic political system and the idiot that I am trying to enlighten tells me that "if you don't vote for what is right then you wasted your vote... so you are the dummy, ha haaa on you." I tried to show the idiot that the system is corrupt and votes mean nothing is a corrupt system and he cannot think that the system is corrupted... this is why he is a sheeple and not a thinker. Humanity is rising into a new spiritual level where the monsters will not be able to stop the thinkers bringing justice to civilization as freemason-sheepdogs show their true colors of treachery against their own genetics. We are the Homo sapiens against the Homo capensis monsters who want to slaughter us with their A.i. that the Freemasons rebuilt for them to be able to extinct our species.
Why has nobody else figured out the purpose of the Mystery School Cult??? Are my fellow Human at such a low level of thought? Does the Creator-God give everyone their own probable-world to protect and help survive?
In order to understand what I am saying here you will need to study the Sethbooks, I guess, I have not found anything more worthy than the Sethbooks upon Earth.