I, Pet Goat II Hides the Brainchip-Hivemind Controlling Western Civilization And All Presidents
Probably, the assassination of JFK was just to have a startling indicator of Luciferian's NWO-Brainchip-Hivemind implanting all the US Presidents, afterwards.
A good example is were Dubbya Bush forgot his lines, got confused from his brainchip's synthetic telepathy... then the brainchip-handler, a Homo capensis ancient thUg had to heterodyne his body after rendering Dubbya unconscious.
Brainchipzombies are just brainchip-sleepers being remote-controlled by A.i. brainchips.: https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....nchip-zombies-sleepe
Jeff Rense was heterodyned into a car accident: https://ugetube.com/watch/cove....rtly-brainchipped-je
Analysis: https://ugetube.com/watch/quot....-i-pet-goat-ii-quot-
source: https://heliofant.com/ipetgoat.html