Kleck Is Used By Freemasons/Luciferians To Undernine Trust In The Old Government Systems (Follow/Study Debt-Dollars)
source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/wHgVaWTER7XQ/
Freemasons taking control over a country's money is used to kill it's economy. This works well for Luciferians to also tare-down many countries together then offering a fake-solution of world-wide governance by an A.i. supercomputer hiding deep in some Deep Underground Military Base... Lets call that computer: "Lucifer" the beast!
Remember that Luciferians get pleasure by deceiving and using the "unaware" to bamboozle others. Kleck is used to push the wwCult's agenda to demoralize the people of good-intent.
The NWO is already up and running with world-governance through techno-feudalism placing the A.i. supercomputer at the capstone of the pyramid of world control. The USA oil-buck had been displaying the original Tower-Of-Babel for a long time and showing everyone how everyone could not be bothered to remove the Eye-of-Lucifer off the most basic debt-dollar note. http://tob.ezyro.com/ There is more history to that symbol than most realize.
My brainchipzombies.unaux.com site was banned for fake reasons, but it can be viewed by downloading the site: https://mega.nz/file/6GwwnZLL#Z1gC2a1AENp5uk8CAB2xJ3JcWkZNr6zAS9dWuYoBwc4 and opening the index.html into your browser. Kleck can be used as a brainchipped bio-robot to eat people just like Vincent Li was bio-roboted to do that on Greyhound Bus 1170: https://ugetube.com/watch/bus-....1170-vincent-li-in-a A.i. can now direct brainchip bio-robots, but back in 2008, a living breathing NWO thUg had to heterodyne or take-over his body and do the eating of poor Timothy McLean. Maybe a Freemason did it... Vincent Li was innocent, but he took the rap while the murderers used technology to evade answering for that murder. Hiding behind technology still taints the soul... for all the thUgs reading this. Tainted souls decay and shrivel, inside-out, in a sense... they are left behind by All-That-Is or assimilated by the Source-Self as a failure-of loving, spiritual expansion. Doesn't Homo capensis teach their minions anything useful?
A.i. now directs the third stage of the world-wars using an interactive semantic computer model which is to remove the non-placebo-ed sheep. "Covid-19" means "Abaddon's Sheep Slaughter" and Abaddon is just another name for the satan-race of Homo capensis who rule freemasonry as popes in the past and grand-masters, possibly.
Depending on your FB and tweets and twitters and youtube posts, the non-Cult-sworn people will be classified to be secretly given either a clot-shot or a placebo. If I were to get the vaxx they would have a super deadly clot-shot waiting for me, guaranteed, but it would not kill me as I learn the Present Point of Power that the SethBooks teach. They have tried poisoning me to death hundreds of times... murder-attempt after murder-attempt slowly fills their fragments collectively with decay(some complain of the hollowness inside them and they cannot wait to be upload-suicided by one of their "thousand points of light." Mind-uploads are just silly suicides. No computer can contain a soul... Lucifer will always be souless.
The Creator-God's multidimensional universe allows everyone to live a full life through infinite probabilities. Also, my beliefs and desired keep me always healing up back into defiance to their secret tyranny(soon not to be so secret). It was very stupid to again begin the genocide of the sheep... They will now have trouble collective trouble hidding their conspiratorial crimes in a real people's court, not their fake masonic courts. I suspect they have so many weapons to commit their atrocities, that they giggle with confidence to destroy the Earth if they cannot rule it.
So, when a willing sheep get a vaxx, clot-shots are given to the resistant-classified sheep, whereas placebos are given to the "go-along" classified sheep. Vaccines are a mind-control trick with concocted-success to convince the sheep to be willing to take any vaxx out of the blue for even fake-reasons like Covid-19. I hear talk about polio and small pox being stopped by vaccines, but maybe your history books were written by the enemy, the freemasons who want you to willingly accept the vaxx clot-shots when that time came. The most naive-humans will be willingly injected if told by fake-authority that they have no choice. Luciferians like to put others into a trance of compliance. Fake authority gives them a worthiness-thrill when they know they are the least worthy of their genetics as they plan to become cyborgs through silly fake "soul-transfers". Mind uploads into neural-nets and A.i. are fake. Yet, the success of the first stage of attacking/depopulating the people of good-intent did not cull enough sheep. A very worrisome and paranoid ancient-masters. This may be one of the reasons for the wwCult destroying their own Georgia Guidestones.
Maybe the A.i. will have a melt-down somehow, I would smile, I would desire that in my main probable-world. A.i. failed and the NWO collapses.
Freedom-seekers toil to turn off microwave-contamination of the atmosphere. Microwaves are pollution of the atmosphere and must be eliminated. Microwaves are killing the birds and the bees, be an environmental-sustainability advocate... stop the nanotech, stop the by microwave-pollution.
{Freemasons preach "sustainability" of their NWO by killing Nature with all their microwaves,
The non-Cult people want "environmental-sustainability" by removing the deadly microwaves.
Freemasons do not care about their bodies because they imagine mind-uploads immortalizes,
Non-Cult people want to spiritually expand into closer communion with the Creator-God.
Microwaves power-up nano-tech surveillance so Freemasons can look through walls and pretend to be god-like while destroying the eternal-validity of their precious souls.}
Next, after Covid-19 fakery, will be the fake wars, inflation, economic collapses, while the Freemasons in positions of authority are hoodwinking, giggling and gloating. The secret-war between Satan's minions (mystery school thUgs) and the non-Cult people may be by use of famine through the break-down of transportation and distribution of goods. One of the four horsemen was called famine... Revelations was infiltrated by the Latin Vatican directed bible where once upon a time, possession of a non-Latin bible got Christians burnt at the stake along with the accused witches. Freemasons and Templars and Jesuits were behind non-Cult burnings, of course.
But don't let "Famine" horseman worry you, humans can live well for weeks without food: https://ugetube.com/watch/what....-happens-if-you-don- You can survive a month of no food and it gets easier if you have more fat reserves, so play your cards well. You don't have to become cannibal lectors. Flesh-eating brainchipzombies should be restrained from biting and then have that brainchip removed from their brain. This will disconnect the Freemasons and A.i. from remote-controlling their bodies as bio-robots. God has given you a fantastic body to resist tyranny. Do not face tyranny with fear in your hearts.
If the nuclear bombs exist, then why did Japan and USA officials(freemasons) fake Nagasaki and Hiroshima using fire-bombs instead?: https://ugetube.com/watch/phot....ographic-proof-that-
I suspect the fake nuclear bombs are just to frighten sheep into compliance to pay for the cold war.

It was not a God inflicting Klecks body with pain at 57:00.
The Luciferians have magnetic beam canons that can inflict pain into skin, muscles and/or joints.
Kleck's handlers were inflicting pain for many days as a way to make him more humble and appealing as would be a real prophet... (it is a stereotyped way of behaving, I gather).
Magnetic, longitudinal frequency beams appear to be the likely way of interacting with the magnetic nano-particles that Polina says needs to be ingested before the brain interface can have two-way communications with the neurons: https://ugetube.com/watch/reth....inking-the-brain-mac