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ISLAM RISING: The Ugly Sabotage Of Western Civilization By Freemasons and Luciferians.

JamesRoss - 25 Views
Published on 21 Oct 2024 / In Travel and Events

Mohammad did not write the Quran...
Homo capensis wrote "Morals and Dogmas" claiming Albert Pike wrote it. These same ancient monsters also wrote the Quran along with the "Revelations" chapter in the Christian Bible. Freemasons know this and plan on exterminating all Islamites after help the Jihadist exterminate the "kafir"... Jews and Christians and non-believers in the Quran. Freemasons and Luciferian will play lip-service by pretending to believe in Islam... but it would not be hard since Luciferians believe in the BlackCube and also circumambulate in circles like planets around the sun. Freemason worship the A.i. singularity which they call "the light of Lucifer". That is the big black cube supercomputer where Lucifer pretends to break-through the dimensions of space-time. The Muslim cult is just another lessor-branch of the Mystery School master-cUlt.

Part of the ritual all muslims must travel to Mecca (some die from heat-stroke). During that ritual, they throw rocks at the obelisk of satan. Ha haa... morons... Homo capensis is the devil-race hiding deep in the crust of the Earth who manipulated the Muslim-cUlt into existence. Freemason-minions come from the same Mystery School master-cUlt that created Islamists and Jihadists. They both have the same Homo capensis satan-race foundations. They throw rocks at their masters... which means Homo capensis is going to exterminate the Islamists via brainchip "voice of god" weapon... just like thousands of Iraqis surrendering to a few US-Troopers during "Desert-Storm." Allah told them to surrender.
Voices of Allah will get them to suicide once the useful-idiots have served their NWO-purpose. Sheeple are so dumbed-down...

You just have to look around and see how the Luciferians have set-up Operation-Covid-19 to compound the illegal-INVASION by mostly military-age Islamists.

Behind all of this are the spiritually-failed, ancient, tall-greys or Homo capensis The small greys are brainchip-hivemind slaves(Starchilds) to those Remnant-Lumanians:

Remnant-Lumanians are Homo capensis, elongated-skull, genetically modified for 10,000 year life-spans: But they lost their spiritual-vitality in the genetic alterations. They injected enough of their own genetics into Neanderthal Earthlings to be able to interbreed with Homo sapiens women. The experiment failed since offspring were not fertile to further interbreeding. Otherwise, humans would have gone extinct before the great iceage.

You cannot trust a Luciferian to tell you the true history of Earth and of humanity. You have to do your own research and develop your inner senses to detect truth when you hear or read it.

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