Homo capensis Call themselves Nephilim, The Luciferians( like Freemasons) are their Brainchipped-Brainwashed Minions
This video from Nicholson1968 has too many parallels to my research to remain un-commented upon.
The cover-photo is the NWO A.i. fake-god symbolism similar to Egypt's winged-disk-god usually above doorways... which supports the realization that this video is just more NWO-worship rather than a concerned Christian exposing biblical truths.
The Luciferians also use the Christian Bible along with their Strong's Concordances numerology.
Numerology is a Luciferian thing more than it is a Christian thing to do. For example the Jonathan Kleck "Before the Fires Ministry" is guided by the Luciferian Brainchip-hivemind and he is guided by the "word of god" weapon to usually use numerology to back-up his Christian claims.
This video ends showing what I can see as the flying disk that ancient Egypt used.
The statement that the fake-god will destroy human beings and the rest of Nature is a Remnant-Lumanian or Homo capensis quest that needs to be resisted as a minimum effort by every human being worthy of their Earthling-genetics.
Freemasons and other sheepdogs are the minions helping the Remnant-Lumanian civilization to extinct life off of Earth. Maybe now, that the Velikovsky-cataclysms seem complete, Homo capensis wants to bend Nature to serve their needs rather than following the Creator-Gods' blueprint.
Resist the hive-mind-saboteurs or you will follow that probable path through the unfolding, multidimensional universe.
Source: https://www.nicholson1968.com/nicholson1968s-post/you-want-fries-with-that-cannibalism-nicholson1968#tab2
Resist tyranny or perish with the brainwashed minions as they genocide the sheep and suicide themselves.

You may recall the "Plandemic" post which also symbolizes the winged-disk with UN overtones: https://ugetube.com/watch/plan....demic-is-a-smokescre