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Sem-Jacobsen and Penfield Were Just Cover-Up Masonic Minions Hiding The Ancient A.i. Technology From Homo capensis Devils.

JamesRoss - 251 Views
Published on 07 Dec 2023 / In Technology

This was an exposure of corrupt medical practices by Mystery School cUlt minions in Norway, Canada and the CIA or OSS. Yes, they never got caught and now are genociding the sheeple because counting sheep puts sheeple to sleep.

Now that the brainchip-hivemind has been rebuilt by the Freemasons and other secret-society minions and other traitors to humanity... Oh, you didn't know that the "Great Work" of Freemasonry was to rebuild the destroyed Tower-Of-Babel for the ancient devils, Homo capensis??? Well now, they have done this... Agenda 2020-2030 has thus commenced with the face-virus CLOT-SHOTs to cull those willing to die without resistance to tyranny.
Soon the A.i. will be remote-controlling brainchipzombies on your streets if you let the tyrannts get away with their treachery against our species.


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