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Mass Media Attack By Homo capensis Tactics Upon Homo sapiens (By Masonic Zionist Minions)

JamesRoss - 170 Views
Published on 06 Jun 2024 / In Technology

Homo capensis created it's Mystery School cUlt of secret societies of henchmen and minions and thUgs tricked into rising a NWO fake-Utopia for highly organized thugs... murderous thUgs.

But there is a bigger picture to see your life within.
The Creator-God has placed you at the very center of your own perceptions using your current physical senses. The old devils, Homo capensis, have become ego-bound to these senses and have lost all psychological acknowledgement that their Creator-God is actually still maintaining this physical playground for them to come back to God.
But instead, Artificial Intelligence is developed to further pretend that they themselves have achieved a fake-godhood in physical form. Unfortunately, command over the A.i. technology has instead absolutely corrupted their minds into selfrighteousness and greed.
Due to the capture of Saturn by the Sun, they needed to reproduce again the way the Creator-God designed the universe rather than using A.i. and cloning. Thus then needed women again so they cloned a splicing of their genetics into female Neanderthal genetics to create Homo sapiens women to interbreed with. Only to blame the Creator-God for the reason that offspring females were infertile to their own sperm.
They hate Homo sapiens because they imagine that they were phucking animals in order to save their own vitality. They hate humanity so much that they want to exterminate our species using human traitors(the secret society Freemasons). (If the experiment worked the genetics of Neanderthals would be phucked out of Homo sapiens so women would become closer to the Homo capensis species. But instead Homo sapiens were allowed to become our own species and civilization.)
This is why Dubbya Bush and John Kerry admitted to belonging to the 322 Death Cult of Freemasonry... because they serve the ancient monsters who want to exterminate all Homo sapiens, eventually. Sheeple obviously need to go before the sheepdogs.

As a reward to the Death-cUlt traitors to humanity, Homo capensis devised a trick. They promised that A.i. would be able to extract their minds out of their bodies and hold their consciousness within A.i. for eternity.
The trick is that A.i. can only mimic the personality after a fake mind-upload(a suicide) and a.i. can never contain the spiritual soul that forms the personality and manifests the fleshy body.

Jane Roberts Sethbooks are suppressed by Homo capensis because they show that the soul and personality transcend the physical playground, but there is a catch. Murder destroys ones own soul due to lost value fulfillment within the multidimensional foundations of physical reality. The murderous destroy their own value fulfillment even if they conspire to murder but don't commit the act, like a genocide. The Creator-God has rigged within physical reality that the murderous become unworthy by destroying their own value fulfillment.

The Lumanian civilization of Homo capensis was destroyed along with the garden of eden by the Velikovsky capture of Earth. Water and nutrients are no longer being dropped into Earth's upper atmosphere by Proto-Saturn's womb for life upon it's orbiting planets.
Freemasons in NASA keep the true origins of Earth gaining water and life from the sheeple because knowledge is power and Homo capensis would more likely to be discovered along with their ancient technology like the Tower-Of-Babel A.i. and brainchip-hivemind which the monsters plan to use to help minions exterminate the sheeple. Then the minions are exterminated after proving their personalities unworthy of a fulfilling afterlife. The get a spiritual box of shame, I gather.

The final stages plan to exterminate humanity, you see, is not from the Freemason sheepdogs... it comes from their ancient masters. Freemasons are just the biggest grouping of useful idiots this world has ever seen... and these sheepdogs gloat so much at how smart they are with such copied selfrighteousness that they cannot realize just how dumb their ancient masters know them all to be. Dumb animals that are heartless enough to destroy their own supporting genetics. Their personalities will remain in tact for eternity in their afterlife, in a box of woe. Wow... I'm sure happy I am not one of them.
It only take the development of critical thinking and the sethbooks (God's most recent messenger)to figure this out. Anyone can grow their soul-fragment and can find answers to their questions.


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