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Homo sapiens Are At A Dividing Point Towards A.i.(Masonic) Extinction

JamesRoss - 68 Views
Published on 12 Oct 2024 / In Spiritual

This is a message from Seth representing AllThatIs (or Creator-God) coming through the messenger's mouth-piece, Jane Roberts.
Our species has been divided into followers of the ancient failed-mankind, Homo capensis, which are all the treacherous Masonic and Luciferian minions for these devils... the other grouping are the non-cUlt people who are now undergoing genocide. This is why FEMA(Masoically run) and the politicians like Biden, Harris, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. have blundered the USA toward poverty and 3rd-world conditions. This Mystery School cUlt of minions serve the ancient Satan-race(or spiritually-failed mankind) who used taxpayers financing to secretly rebuild the A.i. supercomputer and another Tower-Of-Babel to digitally put all of the world's countries under Satanic control.

The secret societies have been tricked into treacherous behaviour of selfrighteous-greed, just like the failed Homo capensis species, and have used their ancient technology to ensnare or entrap the dumbed-down sheeple or goyim. The non-cUlt-sworn people just want a free life to raise their chosen family genetics... "Live and let live".
Where-as the cUlt of minions are brainwashed to serve and tricked to imagine that A.i. can send there consciousnesses into a state of physical/algorithmic immorality... it cannot since the spiritual-soul cannot be placed into a physical object, ever!
The trick of A.i. is that it can mimic human memories and personalities and thus minions who feel a hollowness growing within their hearts as they genocide the sheeple seek to believe that A.i.-Lucifer can be their secret-salvation, their savior. A.i. is simply used by Homo capensis to trick minions to extinct all human genetics off of our own planet. Leaving only monsters that will then be extinguished due to value-fulfillment unworthiness by the Nature which they are currently using as a weapon(Hurricanes, floods and drought).

All the illegals are being used by the Freemasons and Luciferians to divide and conquer the sheeple. Setting-up the non-cUlt people to fight each other while the villains and monsters instigate the trouble using A.i. and microwave communications to set it all up to happen.

The treachery that everyone can now see committed by Masonically-run institutions (like FEMA) should now be clear.
If the non-cUlt people go along with Mystery School, secret-society corruption, then the human species will be extincted by the Homo capensis devils controlling world-governance through digital A.i.


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