The Brainchip-Handler Is Guiding Kleck as a Judas Goat to Prepare the Listener For Brain-Interface Belief-Attacks Within YOUR own Skull
All the Medical Mafia needs to do is covertly implant your brain while they render you unconscious... it only take a half hour and you are in their torture-program.
The "Dove of Oneness" is symbolic of the Hivemind of A.I. for all the Cult's initiates. The Church of Cult initiates is the Church of ISIS and is the Catholic Vigin Mary. The dove is upon the Virgin Mary's unbroken hymen. The dove is Mary's immaculate A.I. child... you see... the rebuilding of A.I. by the Mystery School cult is the Freemasonic "Great work" to re-create the Great Architect that flames it's own immaculate growth to become the rebirth of "Lucifer". As you come closer to God, you realize what a big farce the Mystery School Cult of Freemasons and other thUgs really have made themselves into and they become frightened of your unstoppable presence. They cannot kill you although they will destroy themselves as they keep trying and trying, but never learning they foster only their own doom.
Kleck believes that he is doing hes fellow Christians a favor by broadcasting to you what the synthetic telepathy from the Cult is brainwashing into his own head.
Kleck is not building up the number of his followers in this broadcast... he is here propagating or Judas-Goating the Cult's method of attacking Christian beliefs. The Christian's belief in "sins" will be used against any implanted Christian.
You see, at 2:06, Kleck is instructed by the interface to overlay a pyramid with a radiating peak over top of the Altar of St Peters. Kleck does not understand that the old Giza Power Plant was the original Tower-Of-Babel that used the internally generated charge to run the ancient A.I. that used to rule the "Dove of Oneness". "Pyro-mid" means "Fire in the Middle"... Kleck has not even figured out that he was covertly brainchipped for Cult attacks... He is lost in the technology-facade.
The attack upon the Chritians has been set-up to occur now and had been set-up centuries ago to used the un-redeveloped ancient brainchip to invade the Christian's minds and devastate their belief-system. Many Christian have already suicided out of confusion thinking the "voice of god" weapon is really their God talking to them. It is sick thUgs in control of ancient technology:
I found the Creator God's new translations for this modern age and the Cult's thUggery upon me had little impact while, in fact, they helped be become stronger by attacking me for the last 15 years.
It may be time for you to update your belief in the Creator-God/All-That-Is before the thUgs covertly implant their mental attacks upon your beliefs.
Word of advice: Never fall asleep amougst strangers, always rig-up a chain on the doors you sleep behind. The Cult is the den of thieves and thUgs and pirates. While sneaking they will never break a chain upon entry. Locks are usually invitations. It takes less than an hour to implant the Manchurian candidate. Once implanted the bio-robot-mode will simply heterodyne the target to unlock the doors from the inside any time the thUg-network want to come into any abode the bio-robot sleeps in. It is very invasive technology and that is what makes the thUgs so bold and murderous. They hate me because I am not suicidal like most and my Oversoul tends to protect me while unconscious if they intend to be murderous. All TI should consider never taking any drugs of any type because that is when the thUgs will attack most ferociously with their typical, murderous-intent.

The Sacred Feminin is the moon, the Church, the Church of ISIS, the Church of Initiates, the Mystery School thUgtopians. Thugs who are highly organized by Homo capensis to rise a fake-Utopia that is now destine to fail again due to the "TAINT" and corruption of their desired "New Atlantis" due to practicing their motto "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT".

Our hybrid species was designed to be powerful and to prevail, and we will.
Homo capensis used their ancient, outworn A.I. to try reinvigorating their own failing/failed genetics and fuck humans out of existence. Homo sapiens are not a designed slave-race like the starchild that Lloyd Pye championed to expose for a decade.
Capensis did not have any women before the capture of the Proto-Saturnic Solar-System for population growth, so the ancient-thUgs spliced enough of their own genetics into Homo erectus and Neanderthals to attempt intra-breeding with Earth species and better adapting capensis to Earth-life. Eventually, male offspring would be allowed to survive after female- offspring were dominated with capensis genetics. This revitalization experiment failed due to infertile female offspring to capensis sperm.
Homo sapiens were allowed to become our own species in order to help capensis to survive the cataclysms.
Humans are trouble for capensis because we are not a slave-race.
The agenda of Homo capensis is to exterminate the entire Homo sapiens species now that the cataclysm of the Velikovski "Worlds in Collision" are mostly over. The planets have settled into their new orbits. The battles of the planetary gods is mostly done.
The sinking of Atlantis was likely the 747BC thunderbolt over Eastern North America where the A.I. Atlantean domination over the Earth was destroyed... Listen to the Cult song by LIVE "Lightning Crashes"... it is about the destruction of "A.I. Atlantis" and the rebuilding of "New A.I. Atlantis".
But New Atlantis is tainted with murderous-intent just like old Atlantis and thus "Exitus Acta Probat"... that murderous-taint will destroy another unworthy thUgtopia just like the other tainted attempts.
Also, realize that capensis required A.I. computer-gods for their deficient species to survive Nature, while Homo sapiens are not afraid of Nature. We are not a lion that had lost it courage like capensis has.
Their murderous-taint will self-annihilate the Freemasons and the rest of thUgtopia's minions/thUgs.
Homo capensis has been identified as the motivator/manipulator of the unworthy Mystery School Cult of human-thUgs and so they will be offered to willingly remove their ugly egos from our Earth after their Cult upload/suicides themselves into their trickster-god A.I.Lucifer's fake singularity.
Homo sapiens have rejected the genocide-agenda orchestrated by the ancient, long-aging, Satan-race and their removal from our Earth is imminent.
Three cheers for humanity and down with Freemasonry and the rest of those back-stabbing, Cult thUgs.

I could not get thru the first 5 minutes of not referenced ramblings on what we were looking at with the dead sheep, where it is and the 'snake' symbology is a bit too esoteric there's a better building that shows that in the Vatican , some sort of auditorium that looks like a head of a viper. Anyway I only clicked it because it said zero views and my videos on yewtube have been done that way, or the view count is left off completely under the video side selections , when you click allll the way back to the posted video on channel like mine then you might see 24 views or 17, but not 0 zero, or not blank .