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Bill Hicks Is Hiding Within The Fake Alex Jones(Judas Goat Skin-Walker)

JamesRoss - 1,217 Views
Published on 12 Nov 2023 / In Comedy


Hicks is just not after the money... even though in April 2018 he said "the purpose of Infowars is done, the rest is just gravy..." After Google began to block his tongue movements in videos.
Hicks' Infowars purpose was to acquire a following similar to William Cooper before the 9/11 WTC prediction of it's attack in the new millennium. Hicks plays his rolls along with the Masons guiding his sheep after Cooper's assassination. William Cooper did not become the martyr that worried all the NWO (New Atlanteans) thUgs. Infowars had the job to misguide the public uproar after Cooper's martyrdom... which didn't happen. Main job was to condemn Targeted Individuals who complained of gangstalkers and brain implants which gave them nightmares and bad dreams, voice of god weapon attacks, blackouts, corrupt police and politicians hiding their Luciferianism, zombie bio-robots being remote-controlled to death, car crashes and suicides.

Cooper could already see that the Home of the Brave, Land of the Free was a past tense. I ran into the same thing in Canada after trying to expose the Nafta corruption and 9/11 inside job... the sheeple don't seem to care about corruption until they see their children staving or dying from criminal clot-shots. We have lots of defiance now, but sheeple do not organize to remove the Luciferians from political power, nor police power, nor military power, nor education system control. The masonic and luciferian monopoly continue even after the world-wide eye-opening operation of Covid-19 which was not a virus, but a "Satan's Sheep Slaughter" secret hivemind army attack upon the non-Cult-sworn people around the world. A.i. now rules all Internet-linked countries. DARPA's creation of the Internet was designed to collapse Western Civilization along with the microwave-tower prison-grid network of wireless communications. Now, the satellites will link-up with the Pi-phone that Freemason Musk is taking credit for.

The old Atlantean Empire monsters are the same Masonic Empire monsters we have today.
They think that nothing can stop the unworthy and that the Creator-God is not amongst us every step of their way towards their lessons about worthiness and integrity. The destruction of Atlantis is also in the future and it will not be the Creator-God's doing... it will be the result of their unworthiness and their shriveling soul-fragments.

Bill Hicks is an actor for the world stage towards the destruction of their designated "goyim." Hicks will find out after his death that there is no real soul-transfer into A.i. and that his life decisions had made his complicit personality unworthy for a useful afterlife. Nobody will die with him... Hicks and all Luciferians will die alone... scared to realize what their life choices have rot upon their spiritual soul-fragments. Most will be oblivious and just boxed-up in the midplanes of the dead... going nowhere, just hanging out, plotting their next targeted kill for eternity. Lost in their circle of deceptive talents.

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