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ALEX JONES (Full Show) Friday - 9/13/24
General Shepherd

Infowars is Controlled Opposition... Alex Jones is Actually Luciferian Comedian Bill Hicks... Born-Again with Hivemind A.i.

w541 - 638 Views
Published on 18 Nov 2022 / In Comedy


Bill Hicks is still a living joke-ster upon the sheeple and constitutionalists without critical-thinking. But good-intentions never go to waste in the spiritual foundations of the corporeal world.

Alex Jones admitted in April 2018 that the purpose of Infowars was complete and everything hence-forth would just be "gravy!"

But my dear Bill Hicks, you are within a great self-demise along with the rest of your brotherhood of self-righteously greedy Freemasonic-Luciferians.

All the Luciferians will not be mind-uploaded into any A.i. supercomputer singularity. Such technology is impossible (as declared by All-That-Is). Beliefs will never change that... even in a universe where beliefs are extremely important to master while alive.

"Lucifer" is just a name given to A.i. that helps Homo capensis rule the world and extinct the Homo sapiens species in some lost probable world within the Creator God's multidimensional universe. It is somewhat the Creator-Gods trick upon the unworthy, murderous, genocidal, failing soul-fragments. The Luciferians are not the biblical "wheat" as they are brainwashed to imagine. "Ad Astra per Aspera" is the devils' trick upon their horrible minions.

The joke will be on all of you treacherous "soul-selling" loserferians... wake-up before your fake mind-uploads send you all into suicide. You were given the real messenger from All-That-Is fifty years ago. But the Sethbooks remain for those seeking truth.

Wake-up before you all end-up in a stagnant spiritual-box after your fake-mind-upload suicides. Your time-lines are running (spiritually) thin this last decade, but the wicked cannot sense it.

People of good-intent for their fellow mankind will prevail with faith and good-will. The wicked have chosen a path they will fully regret after their deaths.

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Bodhi Searcher
Bodhi Searcher 2 years ago

Interesting video. AJ is quite a “performer” no matter how you look at it.

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w541 2 years ago

When a Freemasonic traitor-to-humanity sells-out his own genetics to the old ones he keeps calling the devils, Homo capensis... classifying Hicks as "performer" is extremely light-heartedness. I was waiting for jones to slip and on April 4, 2018 he didn't want google to stop his profits and kissed their asses. He said: "Infowars' purpose is complete. He knew the "virus plandemic" was just a couple years away and sheeple were still looking away from their brainchip-hivemind-army of Luciferians and front-running followers of A.i. mind-uploading lies. Be true to your convictions searching for integrity... truthseeking, I know you will find what you need because you are within a customizing playground/training-ground of spiritual-growth. And so too is Bill Hicks. I noticed that he pays attention to my words since back at his forum that they axed in 2017. The Creator-God wants everyone to grow their souls and spiritually expand, but also souls must have their freedom of choice and Earth is our starting-point or kindergarden. Greedy and murderous personalities are showing their true-colors, but you do not need to fear death as the NWO rises and the killing of sheeple makes Hicks snicker with his gleeful InfothUgs(they are not warriors with integrity). William Cooper told the world about Jones:

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ALEX JONES (Full Show) Friday - 9/13/24
General Shepherd