Freemasonic Bill Hicks the Comedian Spoofs the Mindset of thUgs While Playing the Controled-Opposition Role as the Fabled Alex Jones
These Infowar people are deceptionists acting as Judas Goats.
Good thing Knight got the hell away from them.
Still hiding the brainchips turning your neighbors into bio-robot zombies during the future fake zombie-apocalypse and truck-Bio-robot attacks.
Rense and Hicks don't like each other I heard:

A contemplative Thought… When you dream, you NEVER see your face in a Dream be it an amazing wondrous Sleeping VR Experience to the Terror of a Night Mare when doing the Holographix sleep since our Celestial Sphere was turned into Humpty Dumpty by the MUD FLOOD WARS,
and so as these {Days of Noah} unwind ONE LAST TIME for Christ Jesus has Returned, I have yet to taste or smell in a dream, but Have done Sound – Touch – Prescience aka Sight, so once we [make it] Qballs~ /_\ so you can TASTE in the Meta Verse, you will begin too taste in your dreams whilst you sleep, and once you can Eat in the OMNI Verse you'm will begin too SMELL in your dreams whence youm sleep, and as WE ARE and THEY LIVE of De-Ja-Vu get closer and closer t0o the END OF DAYS and this TIME LINE in 2094 CE you will believe in Our God whether you choose LOVE or HATE...
After all, no matter what I write as Christ Jesus Returned, NOT one of you on the World Stage says We have "Achieved" SINGULARITY, and yet, we have achieved TIME TRAVEL called the Explosion of ripping open Realty, and this Realm inside this Awful Horror the MEMORY in the Book of Revelation of What Was – What Is – What we all "Will Be" on Judgement day by Our God, and seeing so much Dead Dirt here and NOW......., and so many Past WAR IS MURDER events........., I will say As The Oracle for the End "of an Age" as we all get closer to the End of these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME........, when you start too Smell and too Taste in a (Dream) [{**}] whilst you sleep, thence the end is near and nigh!!!!
Once you Achieve The Singularity that Ripped Open the Dome of the Rock, and all the People in Revelation Chapter 8 screamed The Sky is Falling, you too can REMEMBER what it means too relive your DOOM as The Cursed, The Dammed, and The Forsaken....
REMEMBER: in the Meta Verse you can NOT see your REAL Face, so why would you ever see your Real Face while you are sleeping here in the MEMORY of Whom done what as the Wheat and the Tares spoke by Christ Jesus 1.0 in the NEW TESTAMENT Gospels here and present in the Eternal Moment of TIME in 2021 AD / CE.?.?.?
At the end of [The Lesson] Qballs~/-\ of how our Real Home World Celestial Sphere (Crystal Ball) became the Awful Horror our Moon La La in the Night and Day sky, 1st Corinthians 13 where it does so too state:
you will see your face in your dreams, and either be grateful too Our God, or {Cry and Gnash} your Teeth that you Chose "Hatred" over (Charity) aka Capitalism over Industrialism for you and "your" fellow Mankind being WE ARE and THEY LIVE is and are nothing more MALE and FEMALE born of the Womb of Man in our Flesh, and Blood, and Bones (TEMPORARY) +=+ Body Temple Avatars...
Purgatory will be Purgatory...
Fransico 7 ?