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Brainchip-Puppet Prophet, Celestial the Lawyer, Conveys Luciferian Plot To Destroy the USA

JamesRoss - 660 vistas
660 vistas
Publicado en 20 Mar 2023 / En

Celestial(the lawyer) is just another bamboozled brainchipped-puppet that is told the Freemasonic-Luciferian game-plan to destroy the U.S.A.

In order to foil the Freemasonic monopoly over the nation the American Free People need to remove the microwave sources and hunt them down and stop them. The NWO takeover is secretly controlled by the microwave prison-grid which provides the brainchip-hivemind army of secret society thUgs and initiates to the Mystery School Cult their wicked orders. The thugs rising their fake Utopia or fake New Atlantis listen to this brainchip-puppet and belief they deserve to rule the entire Earth when they deserve nothing from the Creator-God. They will end up with nothing and will be unhappy with life and curse God for their misfortunes.

Celestial does not realize that the brainchip (voice of god weapon)"Lord" in her head is actually controlled by the Homo capensis, ancient devils and is only conveyed by their microwave "Light" of mind-control.
Freemasons hoodwink and are the traitors to the genetics of Homo sapiens... their own genetics... they willingly poison their own people because they are brainwashed by the satan-race that A.i. will provide them with a gift of physical immortality with a fake mind-upload into A.i.Lucifer.

There are many brainchip-puppet prophets who think A.i. is too magical to be anything other that a god. Brainchips are a very big trick, but humanity can figure it out and stop the annihilation of the USA and a free people. I am positive the Freemasons and Luciferians are going to be caught and tried for their crimes against humanity.

Celestial the Lawyer is a good-soul, but she is bamboozled by technology, so many are due to ignorance of technology... she only needs to be told what is happening to her. The nation of sleeping sheep will awaken into heros for humanity and truth.


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JamesRoss 2 años hace

Bitchute will not post this video.
They deleted my first attempt and my second attempt just lingers and will not publish. many others have published...
This is the information that exposes the conspiracy to immigration by the Freemasons in positions of authority
This same post on bitchute will not publish... maybe i'll try a less telling title.

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