Military-Aged Brainchip-Hivemind Muzlem Soldiers Are Transported By NWO/UN Luciferian Funds
French police patrolling beaches for illegals is a Freemason scam to get 1/2 billion pounds/year from UK taxpayers:
It only takes 15 minutes to implant a soldier with a brainchip to make him into a Hivemind-SuperSoldier.
3,600,000 Muzlem soldiers in stealth-mode pretending to be refugees to serve the NWO-takeover of the Western populations.
Would a homeless, broke, European youth accept $100,000 to be given a free hotel bed to sleep on with free food provided, wifi, TV, etc., and all they needed for this is a mystery brain-implant?
The "voice of gods" weapon will use synthetic telepathy to command the brainchipped soldier what his duties will be.
"Allah is Great" The "Great Allah" will command his minion-soldiers connected to every brainchip-hivemind politician and police of the Western Freemason-run nations... all united into the NWO-UN World-wide tyrannical planet instructed by A.i. or Lucifer.
The real brainchips are secretly magnetic and require continuous consumption of magnetic nano-particles or injection of hydrogel for slow release.
I noticed that pepsi and cola drinks are laced with magnetic nano-particles for brainchip activation and operation to link to the digital microwave hivemind.
Dumbed-down sheeple march in step to their designated slaughter-house, while the free and wild want little to do with domestication and normalization.
The illegals are likely brainchipped to obey the NWO directives.
The brainchip-army of illegals are under Masonic/Luciferian controls.