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Gangstalking Luciferian Freemasons and Hi-Tech Demonic Surveillance

The Elvish Magic
The Elvish Magic - 430 Views
Published on 02 Jan 2025 / In Spiritual

(This video works in conjunction with several other videos I've uploaded on ugetube. I posted this information last year to instagram but neglected to post it here.)

Gangstalking Luciferian Freemasons and Hi-Tech Demonic Surveillance

"Society" (1989) Weaving together several themes such as: Narcissistic family unit gaslighting the scapegoat; street theatre; incestuous nature of the luciferian hive; death faking; discrediting targeted individuals through ridiculous smear campaigns; cannibal sacrafice rape rituals; almost the entire community of high society are in on the con aka "confidence game".

"Cat's Eye" (1985) Comprised of three stories from Stephen King; One of the stories titled 'Quitters Inc.' involves a buisness that 'helps' it's client stop smoking cigarrettes through methods of surveillance and real threats to harm their loved ones.

Included is a bizarre video clip (resembling a MadTV sketch) from a Ted Talk that confirms the existence of these programs. "Roca" is the name of this organization, its mission statement is to keep it's subjects (targets) out of jail. Essentially creating an open air prison system through surveillance and intervention.

50,000 lodges in the USA alone with an estimated two million active members (uncertain if female Freemasons of the Eastern Star are included in that statistic.)

To better understand the size of the Freemason's organization, compare it with McDonalds 13,500 locations in the USA. For every McDonalds you see, there are four to five Masonic lodges. (McDonalds is outnumbered 5 to 1 by the Freemasons.)

Membership supposedly is dwindling -

Adam and Eve covered their genitals with aprons; to me that indicates the Freemasons wear aprons to symbolize they've eaten of the forbidden fruit and have acquired occult/scientific knowledge from the fallen cherub, Lucifer, the great dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan.

Genesis 3:7
"And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons."

(Detroit, Michigan)
The Detroit Masonic Temple is the largest Masonic temple in the world. Incorporated in 1894, the same trowel that George Washington used to set the cornerstone at the US Capitol was used at the site in 1922.

Detroit has the largest and oldest Satanist Temple chapter in the USA with more than 200 registered members. There 20 chapters across the country with about 20,000 members as a whole.

It has been suggested that Judiasm is the dominating force of Freemasonry, or that Freemasonry is Judiasm. Undercover footage of a Freemason ritual shows that for a member to achieve the title "Master Mason" one must kiss the Bible and the Talmud.

Project Stargate:

Russ Dizdar and David Heavener - Ritual Warfare

Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) is vital for all military operations. It provides decision-makers and action-takers with a better situational awareness of the conditions on the ground, in the air, at sea, in space and in the cyber domain.

ISTAR (intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance) is a practice that links several battlefield functions together to assist a combat force in employing its sensors and managing the information they gather.,_surveillance,_target_acquisition,_and_reconnaissance

Gangstalking is like a military operation that uses ISTAR (JISR) tactics on civillian populations, perpetrated by Freemasons and others who possess some mysterious loyal oath of secrecy. (Cloning Centers, Psychic Evil Hive Mind, Mystery of Iniquity.) Some strange bond connects these individuals in a way that they're able to share information instantaneously as well as move and think in unison. This phenomenon is on a level that is either Psychological, Biological, Technological, Spiritual/Psychic or all four simultaneously.

J.R.R. Tolkien compared Sauron's destruction to the death of a Queen ant. Implying that one source is broadcasting an evil transmission that gives its followers confidence and purpose, but as to how and why people tune in to that frequency remains contested.

"As when death smites the swollen brooding thing that inhabits their crawling hill and holds them all in sway, ants will wander witless and purposeless and then feebly die, so the creatures of Sauron, orc or troll or beast spell-enslaved, ran hither and thither mindless..."
Return of the King - Chapter 4 - The Field of Cormallen

This network employs any method, ancient or modern, for gathering intelligence: monitoring spirits or demons, technology that is recording everything everywhere, remote viewers psychically surveilling specific targets, astral projecting military operations with and without the use of technology; dream invaders with and without the aid of technology. Now combine all these ingredients with the fact that artificial intelligence is assisting all these endeavors while simultaneously cataloguing and storing the data. As with the Five-Eyes program, omniscient-like surveillance is the goal.

Human brains have their own unique frequency, signature or pattern like our retina or thumbprint; the brain is capable of transmitting and receiving audio/video just like a computer or television, plus humans are electromagnetic. If you grant that, then their technology would be able to lock onto anybodys signature brain frequency, just like face scanning machines and see everything you are hearing and seeing in real time like live streaming on social media. Hypothetically without the use of a brain-chip they are still able to hear your thoughts in real time as well.

Brainprints: Identifying Individuals From Magnetoencephalograms

Verses related to a group conspiring against an individual for exposing their evil:
Mathew 26:3-4 Mark 14:1 Luke 20:20 John 11:47-53 Acts 23:12-13

The concept of a scapegoat:
Leviticus 16:8-26

Additional listening:

Russ Dizdar - Dark Technologies and the Devil

Russ Dizdar - The Musterion (Mystery of Iniquity)

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JamesRoss 2 months ago

Nice post...

The magnetic brain interface for synthetic telepathy came from Homo capensis ancient Remnant-Lumanians:

IEHOVA was the ancient A.i. surveillance fake-god:

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