David LaPoint has be Covertly Brainchipped and Impeded by the Freemasonic thUgs by their Rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel "Word of god" Weapon
This is how the Freemasons use their rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel technology upon non-Cult persons using their “word of god” weapon. https://ugetube.com/watch/vent....ura-exposes-dr-rober But David thinks it is god in his head. He needs to be awakened to the tob.ezyro.com technology.
Oh, I already posted this video a year ago: https://ugetube.com/watch/us-i....nventor-david-lapoin
How did he get brainchipped covertly?
The Cult's medical-mafia sprinkle their “Celdar” nano-tech dirt particles https://ugetube.com/watch/free....masonic-celdar-surve that non-Cult people are oblivious of. These people realized that it was technology: https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....n-implant-rf-scannin and
But Kleck got lost with the technology: https://ugetube.com/watch/jona....than-kleck-another-b
The medical-Mafia slipped magnetized nano-particles into David's food or drink. Then, they use the nano-tech, Celdar nano-cannons to make him unconscious while alone. Then the medial mafia team come into the place and drill a wireless computer brain interface into his skull, into his brain. They plug the hole in his skull and glue shut the 10mm slit in his scalp. Once the team of thUgs are completely gone in an hour or so, the nano-cannon unconsciousness is released.
In a few days the brainchip A.I. models this neurons and maps this brain. Within days (maybe hours) the model becomes interfaces to his speech to model his thoughts into computer language which is wirelessly sent back to thUgs/Freemasons back at Central-Command(CC) maybe mkultra or CIA or Homeland Sickurity. Then the A.I. can read his active thoughts, but cannot go into his memories. They have to interrogate his memories in order to capture his active memory which the brainchip can monitor.
So they will be able to assassinate him like the Jeff Rense 2015 hit job if David posses a problem: https://ugetube.com/watch/cove....rtly-brainchipped-je
Jabs do not have brainchip assembling capabilities and cannot read Davids mind... only Manchurian Candidates can join the hivemind.
David LaPoint is questioning the voices and visions coming through the covertly installed brainchip. In this posted video David says he does not agree with the directions within his head, but he is still giving-into the thUgs of Freemasonry using their technology against him. But David leaves little way to contact him, as I have tried with many. TIs I have spotted over the years usually blow off my advise. I find it better to use his name in a write-up and using an internet search, he may find my public message that the technology is not god in his head. It is A.I. hivemind of murder-tainted Freemasons who worship their fake Lucifer in exchange for a promised upload/suicide from their Satan-race partners, Homo capensis or the Remnant-Lumanians.
Oh yes, A.I. Lucifer is simply an outworn ancient technology provided by the Remnant-Lumanians who failed to spiritually evolve due to massive genetic tampering of their own species: https://ugetube.com/watch/anci....ent-reincarnational- Interesting world you popped into, isn't it? Your task is to expand your loving spiritual awareness. The Freemasons chose spiritual-decay instead, so their soul-fragments are going to fail their born purpose upon Earth. They still may be able to fix their souls before the genocidal brainwashing destroys them all.
Jonathan Kleck is commanded by his handler to kick my comments to help him rise above the thUgs who are tricking and making a fool of him. https://ugetube.com/watch/cove....rt-brainchips-and-im
That is what the Masons do... they isolate and character-assassinate before they try to kill the target. They develop pathetic talents of hate and self-righteous greed, you see. They have already failed so far in life's gift from the Creator-God. And they are brainwashed into believing the lies of mind-upload-salvation.
Everyone needs to study David's Primer Field Theory to understand why Freemasons worship the dome with a hole in the top... it is ancient knowledge put to wicked use: https://ugetube.com/watch/the-....primer-fields-part-1 Study very closely if there is any interested in solving life-long mysteries.
Dr. Wal Thornhill says the wwCult has set public science back a hundred years... and this is true.
One hundred years ago people like David LaPoint were living on every city block inventing things in their basements, but now the Masonic-run education system has punished critical thinkers and turned the world into mostly sheeple, yes-men, followers of stupidity, non-critical thinkers, but there are enough people left to defy thUgtopia rising. And when we do the Luciferians will scurry down into their DUMBs: https://ugetube.com/watch/phil....-schneider-deep-unde to hide from the true light of humanity.
The NWO will fail, but the lazy will end up following the path of the murderous-thUgs until treachery springs it's trap. The spring of the mouse-trap is still in swing. The secret-societies were building the trap all together, secretly for hundreds of years, but mostly for the last century. When Covid-19 outbreak was announced, to Cult thUgs, it translates through biblical concordances to “Satan's Sheep Slaughter”... And all the Cult-sworn thUgs knew it to be the beginning of A.I. Rule over the entire Earth... The minions call it the New Dawn and the beginning of the New World Order of Lucifer the False Light Bringer.
But they do not know how the Creator-God designed the spiritual multiverse in which they manifest their self-annihilation through murderous taint of their fake New Atlantis. Their fiery phoenix is tainted by the Cult's murderous genocidal behavior.
The Creator-God is not jealous the way they claimed since destroying their last A.I.-Supercomputer Tower-Of-Babel tob.eZyro.com The Mystery School thUgs have yet to learn their lessons of worthiness and have murderously and disrespectfully chosen to self-annihilate yet once again. Nature will only accept a worthy humanity that does not taint itself with hate and self-righteous greed and disrespect for Nature's loving sustenance.
Humanity is the second chance for Homo capensis to pass on their genetics into a successful civilization that properly spiritually-expands into something greater, a greater, wiser consciousness of their own divine sources. It is not that the Creator-God is jealous of the A.I.supercomputer hivemind. It is that the NWO minions sold-out their own worthy purpose to the Satan-race of Homo capensis' unworthy taint of their Mystery-School motto “EXITUS ACTA PROBAT.” Thus they became a cult of murderous monsters, destine to self-annihilate.
Impeding the efforts of David LaPoint teaching his Primer Field revelations to the non-Cult people is just part of the accumulated taint that the self-righteous thUgs acquired avoiding acts of worthiness to lead humanity towards a successful civilization: the second-chance.
The ancient-monster hives of wicked-thUgs will need to be extracted from the bowels of the Earth and then sent back to where they originated so they don't try to taint humanity a thousand years from the collapse of this attempt of another NWO.
As the tainted New Atlantis self-annihilates: https://ugetube.com/watch/will....iam-cooper-mb-19-68t
A more worthy civilization will grow away from their taint: https://ugetube.com/watch/huma....nity-039-s-helping-h
For this probable-world we will encourage non-brainchipped-hindered minds to develop their intuitions more fully.

The visions that David is getting is from the brainchip-hivemind which the Freemasons rebuilt from ancient technology information.
Thunderbolts.info took over the limelight that David should have received...
You see, CERN is Mystery School Cult research where David got the shape of his bowl-shaped magnets that he patented. But the Freemasons already know this technoloy, but hid it from the non-Cult people.
The message in his head is from the covert brainchip implanted by the medical mafia branch of the Mystery School Cult.
Dr. Duncan exposed the governmental Freemason's "voice of god" weapon: https://ugetube.com/watch/vent....ura-exposes-dr-rober

I already posted this: https://ugetube.com/watch/us-i....nventor-david-lapoin