Elon Musk Is THE Freemasonic-Luciferian Frontman (Judas Goat)
The brainchips have been around for 50 years which can remote-control the human into a zombie. https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....nchip-zombies-sleepe
Musk's job is to hide the Brainchip-Hivemind of the Freemasonic-Luciferians which is already heading world-governance. Musk is a traitor to his own genetics as a Homo sapiens. All secret society minions are traitors and genocidal. Musk is one of them.

Musk is just feeding the general public a fairy story about his battle with the Luciferians rebuilding their fake-god within the A.i. Tower-Of-Babel(TOB).
The Freemasons are just the sheepdogs following whistle commands from the other species of mankind upon Earth, Homo capensis.
Homo capensis used to rule Earth using A.i. technology, but the cataclysms reset the extinction of Homo sapiens multiple times in the past since the capture of Earth into the third orbit of our current Sun. Before the Great Ice-age where the Proto-Saturnic Solar-System was captured... Kronos was present day Saturn. Saturn electrically died and Earth lost it's warmth and then all the planets were spread into the Sun's solar-system. You must use self-education and critical thinking in order to figure out the truth.
A.i. is being used by Homo capensis to extinct Homo sapiens. Freemasons know that this is the plan, but the ancient devils promised to provide them technology which can do a fake-mind-upload or soul-transfer on loyal servants. The mind-upload is just a devils' lie. There will be no mind-transfer provided by any A.i. fake-sungularity. There will be no "Ad Astra" and "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" is just a lie, too,
The ends never justify the means... and Atlantis rebuilt will again perish due to spiritual taint.
All the murderous Freemasons and conspiratorial secret societies will meet their chosen doom as unworthy, decaying, shriveled soul-fragments.
And that is the truth that the monster will need to learn as they perish from their own unworthiness. (There is no escape from meeting your maker, suckers... the ancient devils have tricked you human2.0 spiritual-idiots into destroying your own souls. But you are not dead yet and you can still change your path towards spiritual oblivion. You Freemasons must choose to be loving and worthy rather than unworthy with self-righteous greed and hate guiding your choices and your probable-life.)