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Elon Musk is SPOOKED by CHRISTIANITY (No, he Is Just A NWO Frontman)

JamesRoss - 335 Views
Published on 02 Nov 2024 / In Technology

Musk is spooked with thoughts of the non-cUlt people awakening to his Masonic treason to humanity.
The old devils have tricked their minions to trade human genetics for a fake mind-upload into A.i. supercomputers... calling that "Being saved."

A magnetic brain interface feeds through the cellular-grid connecting Luciferian-monsters into the heads of Brainchip-Puppet-Preachers.

Destroying Christianity is the initial target of the NWO-takeover.
Freemasons and Luciferians will pretend to become Jihadists just like they used to pretend to be fundamentalist bible-thumpers, then blaming Christians for witch-hunt murders.
Ancient Wicker Man burnings were once a Mystery School cUlt ritual to cull outstanding sheep. Initiates/Luciferians hid as druids, then as Christians, soon as Jihadists.
Billie Eilish will likely publicly proclaim an islam-conversion soon, because her brainchip-handler will demand her to do it.

Luciferians do what their Homo capensis masters instruct them to do or they are ostracized by their own cUlt police-force... which means their A.i.-hivemind turns against them like it does to covertly brainchipped gangstalker/TIs.
Eilish is a sleeper brainchipzombie and will die just like Misbehaving-Muts took over Dolores(Cranberries) brainchip-instructed songs like "Zombie: It Is In Your Head."
(Get it, brainchips are drilled through the skull


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