Sir Bill Gates KBE is The Richest Freemasonic Frontman in the World, His Main Purpose Is To Take the Heat For The Mystery School Cult's Genocide of the "Useless feeders"
These are frontmen Freemasons who are insiders and get rich on purpose... they are appointed to get rich by the Cult masters, to become frontmen and to take the heat or blame for genocide.
Melinda is leaving Bill because the repercussions are rising up against Bill the frontman. This is normal and expected. What is not expected is that the "profane" identify the entire Cult-hivemind of murderous thUgs all participating in the genocide... That mean the Freemason living in your community, too... they are all linked up to the A.I. supercomputer via brainchip-hivemind and they are a secret, murderous army of assassins/thUgs.
They are the cancer within Western Civiliaztion as they intend for Chaos... and from the ashes they rise the Fiery Phoenix found on many flags and COA like Hitler's phoenix (it is two-faced).
Freemaons have been their host's secret parasites throughout history... as well as the Knights Templar and Eastern-Stars work their way into society's positions of authority for the "End Times" great sabotage!
Look up Bill Gates Knighted... But he was already a Freemason who is likely a 33rd Degree by now.
William Cooper exposed the Freemasons with an infiltrated 32nd Degree Freemason who defected due to dishonesty and deception he witnessed within the Freemasonic Cult. He tells his experiences and the disappearance of William Morgan. (death for infiltrating their Lodge)
The rich Freemasons are just frontmen and can be discarded by the brotherhoodwinkers if they need a fall-guy. These thUgs would put up a fight for the public eye, but the true subversive forces of the wwCult remains secretly hidden from the public eye of the host population.
The mass media never reports upon any of the Freemasons' wickedness anymore (neither the other secret-societies hood-winkers) rebuilding their technological tools for world domination.
The Mass media never shows you how the Tower-Of-Babel has been rebuilt by all the efforts of the collective wwCult.
JFK died trying to exposes and extract the controls of the Cult from USA soils:
It is possible Myron Fagan was poisoned by the assassins sect, branch of the wwCult:
Yuri Bezmenov suddenly disappeared after exposing the tactics of the thUgs:
And of course, William Cooper tried to do his part to save his beloved country:
The mp3s on remnantradio have been hacked and replaced to hide the William Morgan 32nd degree interview find them at
Many many more heros who defied the brotherhoodwinkers can be found and now it is your turn to become another one of the heros to defeat the massive, murderous Cult of thUgs who are conducting their WWIII against the unaware.
The real war started April 1st, 2020 when the president spoke from an uncrested podium: when just the day before that crest was removed to begin the secret, Freemasonic, Third, World War:
This is the "End Times" non-ending-battle for specific and general truths against the Freemasonic and Mystery School Cult thUgs lies.
The Cult is determind that there is no alternative... "ALL SHEEP MUST DIE"

ONE..JUST ONE! of the many Reasons They Murdered JFK, HE was the first to announce Publicly as Our Patriot President, About the EVIL Secret Society's That Loomed in America.
IF its Not Transparent and Hidden From The Public,..OR outright deceptive Lies in The Media to help Hide it, REST assured its Anti-American