Ramtha-JZKnight Was Given Nation Wide Merv Grifin Spotlight Only Months After Jane Roberts Was Quietly Killed in 1984
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5stFb0mwfE
The cheering section likely were all Eastern-Star deceptionists told to support the facade.
Ramtha recalled how to leave stage during the rehearsals.
Script was likely given to Knight via brainchip, the beginning of the military hivemind and Tower-Of-Babel. http://tob.ezyro.com/
Another Stage Actor under brainchip control: https://ugetube.com/watch/cute....-3-year-old-chinese-
Bio-robots are not controlled by the Elon Musk fake-Neuralink:
This magnetic brain interface https://ugetube.com/watch/poli....na-039-s-magnetic-pu was used by the Cult during the Rambo-chip days that Dr. Rauni Kilde exposed: https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-r....auni-kilde-interview
In order to kick the Freemasonic ass, the Tower-Of-Babel most likely needs to be disabled because the interface impedes psychological development that is truthful and useful and replaces it with a electronic fraud mind-control: http://ppopower.ezyro.com/

She / He said diseases are man-made back in 1984 min 07:45. Now we know that.
And we are INDEED moving into a greater understanding.
Also mentions ETs are Humanity... they have always lived here (Inside the Earth) not on the Roof Top as we do.

All I Have to say is If She is aware of the TRUTH, Its OKAY by me, she has an Orgasms' TO KNOW!!

LOL I thought she was having an Orgasms' !! LMAOOO

This is not the real thing, It is Mystery School Cult deception to poison the efforts of Jane Roberts and Seth to keep humanity dumbed-down from true spiritual expansion.
The professors supporting her are Cult thUgs and the CIA plan is another Jim Jones fesco... https://frankreport.com/2019/06/18/fred-ramtha-is-nxivm-with-underground-bunkers-and-machine-guns/