Differences between Aspies and extroverts / Asperger's Syndrome
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More on Asperger's Syndrome:
More on Narcissism:
When I was little, I was told I was well-behaved.
When I was a teen, I was told I was mature for my age.
When I was an adult, I was told I was aloof.
There is a spectrum. On one end are highly charismatic people. On the other end are those not so charismatic.
Dick Van Dyke and John Mellencamp are said to be examples of extroverts who ooze with charisma.
What distinguishes Aspies (most of whom are introverts) from extroverts?
1. Inward vs outward loop
According to psychologistworld.com, Carl Jung introduced the world to the concepts of extroversion and introversion.
He observed that some people received and expressed energy OUTWARDS. They are called extroverts.
That is, some get energy from others and they direct energy back to others.
It's a loop. Those people were called extroverts; externalized energy.
Others focus energy INWARDS. They are thoughtful. They are called introverts.
Most people with Asperger's syndrome tend to be introverts (with exceptions)
2. Piano vs basketball
Nature contributes significantly to our extroversion on introversion.
Puppy example.
3. Rewards vs punishment
Can you identify with this...
Introversion is rewarded, then
Extroversion is rewarded
4. Talk vs think
Extroverts talk and then think. Maybe.
Introverts think and then talk. Maybe.
5. Competition vs cooperation
Extroverts make good warriors
Introverts make good peacemakers
6. Stimulation: Embrace vs escape
What makes us different.
Extroverts derive energy from loud crowds.
Aspies find loud crowds over stimulating.