Clot-Shot resistors Are Being Targeted for Extermination by the Luciferians (Only those who work towards Saving Humanity will likely Experience Such an Outcome) Doom-Seeker Shall Find Doom.
Bitchute and Youtube keep deleting this video post.
What you pray for and make efforts towards achieving shall be your chosen path that you follow, be careful with that power and never give up till you get what you want... that is how God makes your playground happen, by your desires and beliefs.
(Murderous thUgs will experience their self-annihilation elsewhere in some distant ugly world and they will pay for their crimes in this more CreatorGod-loving world.)
April 1st, 2020 => WWIII (Podium Seal stripped off of the podium:
March 31st, 2020 podium :
CDC snickers at the dumb sheeple turned into
"Word of god" weapon:
Polina Anikeeva magnetic computer-brain-interface requires the ingestion of magnetic nano-particles... Elon Musk's Neuralink is a smoke-screen to hide reality from sheeple:
Buy a scanner to find the Luciferians:
Aaron Russo:
Here will be the successful future for the freedom-seeker:

I expose the leaders of the world when I notice the Freemasonic corruption that is hidden from the unwary sheeple:

President Trump IS Our President, Only Morons and Criminals Attack him and His Family...James..You should Be attacking Your Satanic Moron Leader Justin Trudeau..!

Bitchute deleted this upload of mine and the Freemasons deleated my and my and are all blocked from me even reuploading the webpages. The ancient masters are afraid of the Seth-Book truths... the messeges from AllThatIs.

They showed you the technology in the movie "Avatar". They have the technology to capture your consciousness and your soul and transfer it into a clone and now into a machine.