Antikythera Ancient Tech: Luciferians Plan the Doom of Sheeple, But Instead thUgs Doom their Precious Souls
Their Precious Soul-Fragments...
What does it mean that Luciferians like Rogan, Handcock and others are showing the sheeple this ancient technology device???
Their ancient masters, Homo capensis, are confident that most dumb sheeple will just follow their herd into the slaughter-houses.
When the coverup is over then they believe the disinformation fight of the mass-media is over... and there is nothing the sheeple can do to save themselves and their species from imminent, arranged extinction.
It is not an ancient Greek device... it goes into Remnant-Lumanian history which is not recorded into books, but the psychic Jane Roberts exposed the Lumanian history:
A thunderbolts caused the scar across the face of Planet-Mars along with the Carolina-Bays and Nevada-Basins and Great Lakes of North America. (See my past posts on this channel exposing the hidden truth behind them)
Luciferians know this thunderbolt destroyed Old Atlantis and blame the Creator-God for the destruction, but they are sworn to hide such truths from the sheeple by order of the ancient devils, Homo capensis, the ancient, failed mankind. So the Luciferians pretend that Atlantis sunk into the Atlantic, for example. No, that thunderbolt destroyed the old Tower-Of-Babel... you can see this on cUlt Tarot Cards where the Tower-Of-Babel is destroyed. Eastern-Star gypsies used that symbolism to pretend to predict one's future, haaa!
Turns-out... the destruction of "New Atlantis" is in their tainted future, instead. They tainted New Atlantis with their genocidal murderous intent upon the sheeple or goyim... they have doomed their NWO on their own because they are proving themselves to be unworthy for their use of God's energies guided by their devil-masters.
So you see, the Luciferians are still covering-up the truth behind this ancient device... but they are coming closer and closer to revealing what they might believe is the truth. They believe there is a Creator-God whom they collectively defy.
There is a Creator-God that can be contacted or can contact physical humans... But you are in a spiritual-challenge to develop a worthy soul from the fragment that you manifest while even reading this information.
The purpose of the Sethbooks was to educated humanity about our spiritual foundations and who the treacherous Remnant-Lumanians are who turned themselves into the devils of the bible... into Satan and is now conducting "Satan's Sheep Slaughter" with the aid of the treacherous Freemasons and Luciferian branches of their Mystery School.
There are no demons... that is just superstition to bamboozled the dumbed-down sheeple while the Freemasons methodically dismantle and destroy the foundations of Western Civilization.
Salvation of the human species will be found in managing their beliefs and desires because we have spiritual foundations. If a people believe they are themselves doomed, then that will be their hidden goal-post as they work towards that goal.
The Freemasons and Luciferians worship their own deaths so that is where they are all going. The non-cUlt people simply stop following the pathetic, death-cUlt. The Mystery School minions are tricked into thinking they deserve mind-transfers into cyborg Ai systems. So they do not care about Mother Nature maintaining the life-cycles of and food production of planet-Earth... the Chinese NWO flagship fishing-canning fleets are stripping renewable habitat public seafood production to cause world-wide famine, for example.
If farmers and consumers don't resist the NWO-monsters pretending to be their governments, then famine will succeed in reducing massive numbers of consumers.
The solution for humanity's survival from planned NWO extinction is to stop obeying the monsters.
The monsters' puppets running the NWO are the ancient species Homo capensis with super-wicked intentions for humanity. You must wisen-up or perish from their Masonic treachery.

@ 18:05 William Cooper witnessed an ancient high-tech aircraft/submarine capable:
It does not appear Cooper was one for hallucinating.
Just use your critical thinking and cut through the lies.
@ 13:00 I don't trust these Luciferians claiming that Greek texts were discovered. Their claim of Greek characters is most likely just cUlt disinformation to lead the sheeple astray... they do that kind of lying all the time. It would be nice to trust the thUgs, but that would be too gullible in this age of high-tech deception.

@ 11:00 this device was designed by an ancient Remnant-Lumanian {who is likely still alive today hiding-out in a Deep Underground Military Base(DUMB) built by the Masonic Black-Ops}... their genetics is so twisted by Ai cloning technology that they live for thousands of years. When planets line-up there is greater potential for a thunderbolt to cause a Earthly cataclysm or "civilization reset." This prediction device was created because their ancient Ai was destroyed... Look at the destruction of Khufu Pyramid's interior... it was a power-plant and tower for Ai before some cataclysm. Time to wake-up, because the Ai is going to be used to extinct humanity within a few years if humanity goes along with Luciferian/Masonic-rule. Wow! What a challenge for humanity... come together, or perish, by Masonic treachery... What a pathetic cUlt of thUgs.