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Bio-Weapon Exposed, Sheeple Are To Be Blamed Instead For Brainwashed-Ignorance

JamesRoss - 714 Views
Published on 22 Jul 2023 / In People and Blogs

(Brainwashed sheeple just don't see the wicked: You cannot blame them for being brainwashed, they just are, but the wicked have hearts turning into shit as they pretend techno-evolution/murder is okay.)
No... instead they blame the ignorance and gullibility of the innocent, dumbed-down sheeple who have been brainwashed to follow the herd.
The sheeple do not have the murderous-intent...
The secret societies who are in every position of societal authority that are conspiratorial and complicit of murderous-intentions for their own species who have not joined their Mystery School Cult of thUgs... New Atlantean-Empirical thUgs are taking the blame for thUgtopia(a Utopia for murderous thUgs) and their NWO is going to fall to pieces and they will cry that it is not fair because they have sacrificed so much to become so wicked.
These are most politicians, police, military officers, education workers, university staff, municipal workers, judicial staff, and of course medical establishment leaders as well as most international corporations who want no borders around "their planet."

Secret societies recruit bloodline family members to join their Cults in their teens where they are brainwashed that they are the sheepdogs for the sheepherders of society and the sheeple are tricked into conforming into herds with psychological fences and are regulated by their brainwashing to obey.

Show me a public speaker who doesn't try sidestepping pointing the finger at the obvious Cult's source of the most problems... it is difficult because those finger pointers die rather quickly from "natural causes" which are not natural at all, but all the Cult-members in authority work together to hide such murders.

Cult- murders by Freemasons has become so obvious now, they can orchestrate world-wide injection campaigns of bioweapon clot-shots and get away with it because we are looking at the dumb sheeple instead of identifying the Cult-members in positions of authority.

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