Brainchip Zombie Cult Playzone; "The Day Before" Survival MMO is Cult-worship
Source: End-Game
Things are not right with ZombieKillGames.
All the killer games are designed to deaden the gamer's respect for life... this is a Cult brainwashing thing.
Yes, yes, I know the zombies are already dead, so it is okay... it is just a game!
Ahh, the mind is so impressionable. Brainwashing is meant to be fun while gaming. It should wake you up to your own feelings for others... or lack of feelings should awaken your critical thinking to understand what these "artists" are doing to the gamer.
I watch this reviewer on a whim to see what the children are doing into the wee hours of the mornings when they are un-regulated by parents with their gaming time. I was suddenly brought back to his background noise after I jumped into doing something else... then this "The Day Before" review grabbed my attention again to the xboxTV.
This reviewer was surprisingly very interested in this game as if authentic zombie killing were a passion of his. That got me wondering if FNTASTIC was just signalling with their unfinished games that the true game was going to happen in real life, and they were actually performing a form of Cult worship with their "unfinished" zombie-killing games.
That said, this reviewer lite-up with passion for the modelling of game-reality to mimic the real-world as a replacement.
I was curious why so many people have a kind of passion for blasting stumbling, "possessed" humans and surviving zombies-shutdown of society.
Once your realize that the Mystery School Cult of Freemasons and their Demolay youths are in the process of turning society "off" using the hivemind technology meshed into governments and police and military and universities and hospitals... everywhere the hivemind exists in today's society. The Cult minion have become the hight-tech, secret hivemind-army of the satan-race. And that is not a computer game.
Well, they see it as a game that their A.I. supercomputer is gaming into real life. Let me say that again... The Freemasonic A.I. supercomputer is modelling for the wwCult how they are going to take-down the Old World Society of Christians and Unsworns. They are gaming in real life. This is why "Fntastic" does not complete their games... because they are Cult and they plan on their "gaming" to move into the real world. When that happens, then their "game" will be up and running.
This is a form of Cult worship to bring their fanatical idealism into fanatical reality right under your unsworn Christian nose... and not realize just what it is that they are doing.
Fntastic failed at creating their game "Dead Dozen" this reviewer informs us. An earlier form of brainchipzombie manifesting through computer modelling. Notice the "O" has within it the masonic triangle(concept of three that symbolizes the compass) and "12" oh that magical Cult-number 12 of the last supper, for example.
The Covid vaccine-sickness is a smokescreen for striking fear into the sheeple after the fake virus tricked them into taking the vaccine in the first place. See how the brainchipzombie killing game is getting started.
You are in their game and it is time to stop playing, walk away from their game and start a new game that removes all the thUgs from their power-positions within society and exposes them all for their conspiracy to genocide the Christians and the rest of the unsworn people.
Fntastic! I am done with this review.

Are you serious Alexander Naironovski... you down vote the exposure video of the manipulation of our children and then you promote your "LOVE" link to teach your loving ways. ahem. ha haa another member of the loving circle that is collapsing society, I presume, or just confused.
And to top it off Alexander... you now subscribe to my channel to maybe learn something, I hope, but I see your sense of "ethics" is compromised.

My latest video made with LOVE is very helpful: