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Don't be Puffed Up, Be Humbe
The Independent Christian Church Of God
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A Russian Art Park bringing it back - Burning the 'Tower-of-Babel(TOB)

JamesRoss - 1,342 Vues
1,342 Vues
Publié le 15 Jul 2022 / Dans


The ancient Tower-Of-Babel goes back to the pyramids and that is why the US debt-dollar has the Giza Tower-Of-Babel upon it.
The Freemasonic "Great Work" is the rebuilding of the Tower-Of-Babel...
The entire microwave-tower prison-grid is the communications of the rebuilt Tower-of-Babel...
You are living within the new Tower-Of-Babel since the cellular-tower pretend to be for your cell phones... they are NOT... they are actually for the wireless brainchip-hivemind which now places A.i. at the top of the Giza pyramid on the back of the US-debt-dollar. The capstone to that pyramid is the microwave prison-grid ruled by A.i. called non-other than "Lucifer."

Homo capensis technology built the original Towers-of-Babel all around the Earth to mind-control self-procreating humanity to be their working slaves.
Homo sapiens were/are intelligent enough to perform complex tasks whereas the much physically stronger Neanderthals and Homo erectus could only perform limited intellectual tasks.
The experiment to provide fertile women for Homo capensis interbreeding failed but the Velikovsky "Worlds in Collision" was likely going to destroy all Lumanian infrastructure upon
Earth and any other Proto-Saturnic planets. Since, Homo sapiens could be easily brainwashed by Homo capensis using just a religion, they knew if the brainchip-hivemind of enslavement failed then a Mystery School Cult of selected minions could be used to "herd the sheeple" until another brainchip-hivemind community could be re-established to create another NWO of New Atlanteans.

A "plan-B"scheme was concocked by the Remnant-Lumanians to populate Earth with many differnet towers-Of-Babel and many different ethnic groups and languages of Homo sapiens builders. These superficial divisions would make humanity easier to control using ancient "divide-and-conquer" tactics of the Mystery School, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Vatican by the elongated-skull rulers... devils from the depth of Hell, so to speak.

In 1979, Philip Schneider and his team of geologists who built many tunnels and DUMBs deep down into the depth of Remnant-Lumanians' "Hell" were given a sudden retirement party, which only Phil survived without being locked-up and drugged (like two other Canadians at that party). Phil did not meet ET-aliens from Pleiades as his fake-education told him, he actually shot two Remnent-Lumanians or Homo capensis before one "blue-beamed" Phil almost to death. Phil was allowed to continue working for the Black-Ops while still naive. He quit his job serving the Cult when he realized those Remnant-Lumanians were ruling over the sheepdog-Freemasons and sell-out Templars during an underground conference. Phil never went underground again. Eventually in the 1990s Phil began to warn the constitutionalists of the USA that they were all being sold-out by Freemasonic traitors. After many attempts, an assassin eventually succeeded in the murder of Phil while his medication was secretly killing him too... you cannot trust anything accessible by the Cult once someone is targeted. Money, the cost of setting-up an assassination is never an issue. They faked his doctors and the office where they treated his cancer by giving him more poisons to kill him. The Freemasons are in every position of authority and this must change or the USA will fall under tyranny of the NWO.
Replace the traitors calling the shots, replace the Cult-minions to Lucifer or eventually perish at their changed laws. Just like Freemasonic Hitler and Goebbels changed Germany into fascism when Christianity was stronger in their society than it is now around the world.

Before the Velikovsky capture of Earth by our massive Sun, Proto-Saturn's light was flickering out into a dark-sun. Now, that old brown giant star is a gassy-planet with rings of ice-water that used to accumulate upon it's orbiting satellites: Mars, Earth, Titan, Triton,...
The great ice-age started as Earth slowly found it's new position captured by the Sun to orbit 93 million miles within the "Goldilocks-zone" which was not too hot and not too cold for life to continue. Dr. Wallace Thornhill explains this very well, a follower of the Velikovsky "Worlds in Collision." This may have destroyed all the Towers-Of-Babel and humanity was set free of techno-enslavement.

Enslavement is what Homo capensis teaches to their minions. If you study the enslavement of non-Cult people in the Roman days, you would be able to point the finger back to the rulers. The same rulers then are the same satan-race rulers today. The genetic manipulation of Homo capensis allows them to live extremely long lives. These are the ones who were able to guide humanity through the ages for long-term goals thousands of years into the future.
While fake-politics are give 4-year terms of office in the USA, the real politics comes from the ancient-thUgs having century-long terms and thus the World-War1, 2 and 3 all are the same war by the Mystery School Cult against the naive Christians and non-Cult people of Earth.

Lumanians developed extremely high-tech methods of manipulating, molding and lifting 100,000 ton blocks of stone to make wall and foundations that could survive the Velikovsky cataclysms and described by Dr. Wal Thornhill. Such megalithic blocks were used to create the Giza plateau.

Khufu pyramid on the Giza plateau was actually an ancient power plant that made Khufu pyramid function like another Tower-Of-Babel: During the rule of Khemit's people and human slaves. When the A.i. supercomputers died from the Velikovsky-cataclysm. Humanity was allowed to procreate without hivemind commands controlling them and the Mystery School Cult of assassins was created by ancient-Remnant-Lumanians to help them rule-over Homo sapiens broad-masses with King-ships and laws of the fake-gods using religions. Religions were used to make use of the nature spirituality of the human beings. This is why the Creator-God sent messenger Seth to offer humanity the Sethbooks of ignored-knowledge of physical and spiritual reality.

Dr. Sean Hross called the fake-gods "the Pharaohs" who used symbolism to create and control the Mystery School Cult of minions:

Brien Foester compares a fake-god Homo capensis to the skull of a homo sapiens:
The smaller skulls of the "starchildren" were while living, speachless auto-toms that required brainchips to communicate with their slave-masters, Homo capensis.: Just like Lady Gadfly said the auto-toms have no sense of freedom and rebellion, they are designed slaves for the NWO's New Atlantean empire takeover. No goyim allowed... so the pattern will be to murder all non-Cult people.
The NWO will have double standard:
1.) laws will be changed to murder the non-cult people
2.) thUgs will get away with murdering non-Cult people

When I began handing out my anti-corruption CDs in 2002 I did not know the wicked existed and lived on the same streets as the people of good-intentions. So it is very outdated now:

In order to stop the NWO the communications into the nano-tech and brainchips needs to be stopped.
Microwaves need to be stopped that power-up the nanotech
Positions of authority need to be scanned for traitors and they must be replaced because their religion is to commit suicide... brainwashed that A.i.(Lucifer) can and will intercept their death so they can become bodiless cyborgs using mind-transfer, but actually they are all dead and cyborgs are just A.i.robots that pretend to have past Freemasonic human lives.
It is quite the mind-job of lies but minions were brainwashed that it is true their entire lives... this is hard to change since they are also greedy and self-righteous.

Burn the Tower-Of-Babel before Homo sapiens loose the power of numbers and are brainchipped into slaves.

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JamesRoss 2 années depuis  

If anyone finds himself/herself covertly brainchipped with strange thoughts coming from a brainchip. Just refuse to listen, ignore the "voice of god" weapon and build-up your resistance to the Tower-Of-
babel technology of monsters:

Before the Tower-Of-Babel was rebuilt by Freemasons as their "Great Work" the cult had to use something called "the trip-seat":

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astralsky 2 années depuis

Symbolic Act + I saw video of the Georgia Guide Stones possibly struck by lightning. ( Act of God ) ?

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JamesRoss 2 années depuis

No, it was a charge that blew one slab sideways and the top slab jumped and chipped. The Old World Order is being torn down since their New Dawn on April 1st. 2020. They do not care about warning anymore, they are clot-shotting the sheeple willing to remain brainwashed... It will end bad for their probable-worlds... in this one they still can "save their souls"... that would be better than all the blood-shed they have planned. Burning the TOB is stopping the microwaves from activating their nano-tech, brainchips, and IOT... kill the hivemind is a way to stop human extinction. A.i. is already running world governance and countries are history in the Cult's books.

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JamesRoss 2 années depuis

@JamesRoss : Many of the attendees to this Tower-Burning may see it as an offering to Lucifer to "Bring It Back" or to come on back into the vessel of the a.i. supercomputer's neural-net artificial mind. Not many of the attendees at this burning will realize the Tower-Of-Babel has already been rebuilt

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Don't be Puffed Up, Be Humbe
The Independent Christian Church Of God
4 Vues