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Feds: We Have Entered The 2nd Great Deperssion, Now What?
Ambassador, Dr William Mount
44 vistas

1984TV Presents the Freemasonic/Luciferian Deception of A Great Reset Horror... Setting-Up Genocide

JamesRoss - 512 vistas
512 vistas
Publicado en 03 Sep 2022 / En Sin fines de lucro y activismo

JFK died in 1963 after exposing secret-societies running politics:

Anyone who falls for the secret-society lies to "Hope" for better times to return to the Non-Cult people... while the Freemasons and Eastern-Star treacherousness genocide and murder the innocent. When anyone sees corruption in politics and goes along to get along with their corrupt system... There will be no "Hope" for a better, truthful world, no successful world for all those souls who are not determined to make a stand against the wicked monsters in disguise of benevolent Freemasonry. Freemasons mock at the "hope" that common people feel for and desire for a return to a truthful and loving society. Brainchips and televisions are the biggest twisters of morals as Yuri Bezmenov pointed out back in the 1980's:

Freemasons/Luciferians are the "Skull and Bones" 322 "Death
Cult." Their morals are twisted by the Mystery School Cult self-righteousness:

Freemasons have chosen to murder their New Atlantis into existence... and thus it is tainted and will fail like Old Atlantis failed by a thunderbolt of cleansing the wicked ancient monsters from their manipulation of the chosen Homo sapiens race.

It is up to the awakened good people to warn the dumbed-down sheeple that the wwCult of Freemasons backstab by means of politics, police, military, education, medical/health, and everything else with public-authority.

Russel Brand is a 33degree Freemasonic thUg/ Judas goat...
The brainchip is not actually designed by Freemasonic sheepdogs. It was designed for the impeding of hominid development and mind-control enslavement. Homo capensis has tricked Freemasons to serve their cause with the reward of a fake mind-upload into an A.i. supercomputer (fake) singularity. So Freemasons are selling-out their own genetics while serving the satan-race of Remnant-Lumanians:

They hide deep underground: where two were shot dead by Philip Schneider. They are also called Homo capensis:
And Brien Foerster is the only guy exposing their skulls upon Earth:
While Freemasons hide the evidence:

The brainchip-hivemind army of thUgs are now genociding humanity:
The hivemind of Freemasons are running politics, police, military around the world and you need to smarten up to their treachery or your personal world will collapse into their ugly world of death and destruction.
But fear not... the Creator-God provides you your multidimensional universe with infinite probabilities to go in whatever direction your heart desires.

The probabilities that you desire and choose from are infinite, but Seth says major time-overlays will give both the murderous Freemasons and the good-intented people of Earth their chosen experience... it is a learning process for New Atlantis to be destroyed just like Old Atlantis was thunderbolted into destruction.


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Feds: We Have Entered The 2nd Great Deperssion, Now What?
Ambassador, Dr William Mount
44 vistas