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Velikovsky has been Wiped from History by Freemasons... God Created Earth By Having Proto-Saturn Electrically Expulse(birth) the Planet

JamesRoss - 1,615 Views
Published on 13 Dec 2021 / In Science

Stars are created by magnetic fields within plasma while planets that may support life come from electrical mass expulsions according to Dr. Wallace Thornhill.
Jupiter was once a sister brown giant star to Proto-Saturn. Jupiter was captured by the Sun first. Long before this, Neptune and Uranus were sister brown giants, but smaller... study their characteristics and you can figure this out without being told... but you need to be curious or you learn nothing.

Here is the story line of How Earth Came To Give Life A Home...

Freemasonic technology to rebuild the Tower-Of-Babel effectively originated on Mars by the ancient race, you see...

Saturn, Earth, Mars, Venux, Titon, Triton, and a few other moons have traces of saturnic water, Earth has lots... All these heavenly bodies also have similar axis of inclination which means coming from the same source(Proto-Saturn)

"You better wake your ass up" because the Freemasons have access to the ancient technology which came from Homo capensis:
The ancients hide from the wrath of Nature deep in DUMBs that the Freemasons built:

The Freemasons have been covertly implant brainchips for 50 years: And using ET bullshit to confuse and herd the sheeple.
"You better wake your ass up" or the Freemasons will transform your loving planet into a horrible hell.

The Freemasons have now rebuilt the Tower-Of-Babel Their secret hivemind army started WWIII on April 1st, 2020 called "Covid-19" or "Satan's Sheep Slaughter." And so secret-societies worship Saturn as the Dark Sun in honor of the ancient Lumanian civilization that started on Mars:

I did this for Skydive because he turned off his comments... Good video... open your comments...

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

Another brilliant man being wiped from history as we go through WWIII is David LaPoint:
LaPoint disagreed with Thunderbolts Project as to the Birkland Currents controlling the stars and galaxies... you have to dig deep to figure that out...

The Primer Field Theory:

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