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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Dec 31, 2024, LAST DAY OF 2024. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Jews w.benefits; Flat Earth, Tech; Jim’s BitChute; 2024 End Summary

nosixmillion - 130 Views
Published on 31 Dec 2024 / In People and Blogs

*** Jews With Benefits, Dec 30, 2024 - Jews know how to get special banking privileges and a lot more.
*** Jim and flat earth
*** Technology is dangerous but necessary
*** Jim’s BitChute - Over 6200 videos, 8300 subscribers, Nearly 5 million views
*** Year End (2024) Summary (Previously sent out in a separate email)
Issues - Jim and Diane’s WALK AND TALKs. We’ve been together 9 years (May) Going on 10 in 2025; 9-11 and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW); Electric cars; Diane and Dianna finish Genesis-Revelations Chronological Bible Survey. HOAXBUSTERS down to Jim and Diane; Reviewing THE SIX MILLION: FACT OR FICTION, 8th Ed, Peter Winter. Mass migration of illegals into ‘saturated’ cities like NYC, Boston, Chicago, Hurricanes and FEMA FAILURE; Grocery list of Trump failures; Child Trafficking - Stew Peters Presents HUMAN TRAFFICKING, Jan 25, 2024 CHILD TRAFFICKING, COPRODUCER OF HUNGER GAMES John Paul Rice (Transcribed by Diane King, April 7, 2022 on request); Always remembering Dresden; The Truth and Justice Society for Germans with Monika Schaefer; VAX; Mark Dice, Stew Peters, Nick Fuentes; Henry Herskovitz; HT, Ryan Messano; Jared Taylor, Max Igan, ANTI-HITLER debunked; Slave reparations; Trump landslide in Fed election; Baby girl kitty, Josie dies; Ursula Haverbeck dies.

*** JANUARY - Jim’s twin brother, Joe, lost his battle with medical ‘care’ died Jan 30.
*** FEBRUARY - Holocaust Encyclopedia, Germar Rudolf; Alfred Schaefer released from prison. Diane’s walk-in tub reno now back to a regular tub.
*** MARCH - Applying IRISH FLASHMOB dancers to the tune of (((SURVIVORS))) by Alison Chabloz. Exposing the "holocaust" is ALWAYS appropriate. Happy St. Patrick's Day to our IRISH FRIENDS. 3 Kittens (Joedy, Joely, Joesie) born to JoeJoe who had adopted us in Dec.
Diane returned to Framingham to help pack and load our personal affects - 2 transport cubes with 100+ rubbermaid-type bins.; added shed. Special Easter with our IF YOU TELL THE TRUTH BIBLE STUDY.
*** APRIL - House prep for sale with one of the most amazing realtors, Gabriela, who represented and executed Jim’s house sale interests. Hitler’s birthday - presenting and remembering the truth. Can YOU PASS THE HITLER TEST!!!
*** MAY - Jim’s MA house sold for what Jim wanted. Diane visits daughter and grands in OH, and while away, Jim was taken to the hospital, assessed for a redo bypass then discharged. VE Day - remembered but NOT celebrated! No one but the Soviets won in WWII. Memorial Day - NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL.
*** JUNE - JP Conference. Roundtable; (19) Jim’s reDO bypass
*** JULY - Diane turns 70. Jim’s recovery.
*** AUGUST - Jim’s continued recovery.
*** SEPTEMBER - Jim turns 72. Hurricane Helene devastates Appalachia and FL (TN, KY, NC, SC, VA, WV, FL) and gov’t failure to help. HOAXBUSTERS - Jim and Diane; POW James Allchurch released fromWales prison.
*** OCTOBER - Diane visits daughter and grands in OH. Hurricane Milton - devastates western Florida. Continued FAILED FED aid.
*** NOVEMBER - 2024 Election, Trump Landslide over Harris. Let’s see if Trump fulfill his declarations. Ursula Haverbeck (96), holocaust skeptic, dies. Completed the review of THE SIX MILLION: FACT OR FICTION. The baby girl kitty of JoJo’s March litter (of 3) died of unknown causes outside by the road near our property.
*** DECEMBER - M. Thomas Goodrich of HELLSTORM: The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 fame died (77). Authored 19 books listed on GOODREADS. Germar Rudolf arrested - we maintain at this point, as harassment. He has since been extradited from NY to PA. York County PA Prison, County Jail, Last Updated: December 12, 2024, Address: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 247, Phoenix, MD 21131.

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