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Lady Gaga, Foerster, Roswell 1947 Alien Autopsy, Lloyd Pye, Starchild, Barry King, UK Bio-Robots DUMBs

JamesRoss - 76 Views
Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In People and Blogs

I saw one of these monsters in Winnipeg in 2019. It had much larger eyes and they were blue irises. You cannot tell in this cover-image... Skinniest critter I ever laid eyes upon... ankles were skinnier than the skinniest woman I've seen.

Why are the Freemasons and Luciferians killing off the sheeple since "Satan's Sheep Slaughter" beginning on April 1st, 2020?
Because deep down in the DUMBs the Freemasons and ancient thUgs are genetically altering the human genetics into sexless bio-robots similar to the "Starchild" bio-robots that Homo capensis used everywhere before the Great Iceage... before Atlantis was destroyed by a thunderbolt from planet Mars.

This worship is a time-line enactment of the Mystery School cUlt. In the dark was the past, in the light is the planned future-agenda schemed by Homo capensis now the Tower-Of-Babel is rebuilt by Freemasonry. Their "Great Work" was to serve the old devils and rebuild another A.i. supercomputer fake-god(which Muslims unwittingly circumamulate as BlackBox-Allah... it is actually A.i.-Lucifer, controlled by the same devils they like to stone... brainwashed, too.). Again, Muslims and Catholics are tricked into worshiping A.i. the dove and the blackbox-supercomputer. Atheist ignore most of it as simple bs while Christians are tricked into wanting a fake-rapture preached by Luciferians in deceptive churches.

Wow... the Western Civilization education system was run by treacherous Freemasons who dumbed down all the sheeple to never believe that thUgs could ever get together and conspire to slaughter the non-Cult-sworn people like sheep.

The egg scene:
Birthing a new race:
Roswell 1947 Alien Autopsy:

Starchild by Lloyd Pye:
"Alien" myth... ancient Lumanian intervention upon Earthling-genetics:
Seth on reincarnational civilizations:

Phil Schneider shot a couple of Homo capensis under Dulce, New Mexico:
Schneider was suicided by Assassin-Sect of Freemasonry:

Brien Foerster exposed Starchilds:

A.i. Lucifer will control all the bio-robots after the brainchipzombies have a fake apocalypse... they are just remote-control humans or human bio-robots controlled by A.i. and Freemason traitors to their own genetics.(thUgs are unworthy soul-fragments)

Magnetic brainchips require consumption of magnetic nano-particles in order to communicate with brain neurons:

Jeff Rense was brainchipped in 2015 for a high-tech hit-job which failed to kill him:

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