Iron_Mountain_and_the_New_World_Order (woman is the Church-Of-ISIS(all initiates) the beast is the Tower-Of-Babel)
Dr. Sean Hross the homeless traveling historian claimed in one of his videos that Switzerland was the beast with 7 heads of state. Since Switzerland served the Vatican which is the Divining Serpent or the ancient Homo capensis species that orchestrated all the secret societies or the Mystery School Cult, Hross is correct about this for the Old World Order era.
But for the last 50 years the microwave tower grid has been enveloping the entire Earth. This grid links all the brainchipped Church of ISIS or Mystery School minions into an A.i. hivemind army that now wars against the entire world of oblivious sheeple(people not "born again" to serve "Lucifer the A.i. supercomputer" nor sworn to serve Homo capensis the ancient satan-race)
So in 2001, Homo Capensis instructed the Freemasons to collapse the twin towers of the Big Apple. The two columns of Freemasonry represent Osiris (the male) and ISIS (the woman or the Church of Initiates who reflect the doctrine or reflect the light of the Sun as the Moon shines)
Replacing the two towers with the one is the ability of their A.i. beast to map the chromosomes of a species and eventually with the right equipment to alter the genetics of the chromosomes into something else. This is what Homo capensis did to themselves millions of years ago to give them extremely long lives and higher intellect with those elongated skulls. (Gadfly is luciferian worship in public view, but you don't understand what the worship means, this confusion excites them to giggle at the sheeple) They also created a little, non-rebellious slave organisms that could not interbreed and likely very long lived, also:
I call the remotely programmed automaton that Tesla(a Freemasonic front-man, like Hollywood-genius Einstein) "predicted" the new starchild2 The starchild came directly from Homo capensis genetics while starchild2 automatons came from Homo sapiens genetics... Replacing the two towers with one tower is Homo capensis directing the Mystery School Cult(whore of Babylon) that the New World Order is beginning where a new species is to be altered out of Homo sapiens to be just like Homo capensis and will rule the Earth until Nature squashes that abomination of the Creator-God's blueprint for mankind.
This video preacher, Norm Franz, must know about Freemasons behind the "Globalism" yet he acts like Alex Jones rather than like William Cooper who exposed the Freemasons... Acts like a Judas goat rather than a patriotic protector of Freedom. Alex Jones is actually Bill Hicks, a standup comedian before the Freemasons told him to call his website Infowars. They likely told him to push the term "prison planet," also. It is not just Hollywood movies that are weaponized with suggestions and misinformation, it is politics, religion, education... basically everything. If you cannot develop a good level of critical thinking, our civilization is designed to bamboozle everyone and send them in the wrong direction for finding answers... It is the road least traveled that will take you to the greatest wealth of truth because all the common routes are built by Freemasons to take those followers nowhere and that is the process called "dumbing them down."
Freemasons always hide behind fronts like Einstein, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Bill Gates, Elon Musks, and identifiers like "Bilderberg group" and Globalists.
The bible holds many secrets of Homo capensis within it and it is likely that if the sheeple could maintain the ten commandments, then the old world order would not be crumbling before your eyes.
But for this new era of Aquarius arranged by Homo capensis to eliminate Homo sapiens from existence, thus destroying again the Creator-God's blueprint for a successful mankind... our Creator-God sent a new messenger to create a new doctrine of information explaining deeper secrets about the physical reality that we have all agreed to grow our souls within.
SethBooks were offered because of the appalling spiritual attacks and misguidance that the ancient satan-race has brainwashed into the thoughts of both the "sheeple and minions." A great spiritual teacher of the second coming is still expected to arrive, but giving into the Whore of Babylon and giving up your freedoms for the fear of death will likely lead to death. Nature's successful species has the desire to live and they fight to the death to maintain that right to live freely. Trusting the backstabbing Mystery School Cult of minions is like laying down to die... sizzling out with a whimper and the secret-societies appear to have already settled on extincting the Creator-Gods blueprint to spiritually evolve into a greater being... maybe because they are the Whore of Babylon and expect to go "Ad Astra" in a fantasy of fanatical lies.

Norm Franz does not inform his listeners that Freemasonic banks get their funds from the the secret creditors account that everyone is given born to the land. The banks do not lend any of their own funds, then you are tricked by the banks and Freemasonic run society that you need to offer your labours as payment to your very own credit from the land. You are tricked by the administrator to become the debtor and give up your own creditor identity. Then as the confused debtor you dig into your pockets and hand you labours over to the banking pirates who keep hidden from your education that the funds that they gave you actually came from your own lands and not from their vault. And you pay them compound interest and you are tricked to give them your property if you don't realize that they are pirates taking your labours because you will not stop to study their corruption. They are not the government... the Freemasonic pirates infiltrate the government and plunder until the country collapses or the NWO takes over the country.
Deception of your incorporated name: