Red Alert- Biden Initiates Rex 84 as Southern Border Collapses!
Red Alert: Biden Initiates Rex 84 as Southern Border Collapses!

raju claims that it has been 11 years that don cheadle robs mgm passport rue richard lenoir and rue leon frot at paris 11 before self attributing fictious employment
his brothers and son hide around also
jude busted don cheadle leaving raju grocery and leon frot hide out 11 years ago
but cops did not bust him as though he was protected by segoland self attributing fictious employment at ugc-accor-lvmh-disney-...
meanwhile robing passport in front of jude surrounded by fake valls cops

dalai tongue lama manufactured many small stories on telepathic grid
chatting with wiliam, oliver batten, diana, rodham, blair, jospin, segoland ... pretending to be illuminati
because none of these story is verifiable in real world
check dna
instead of listening dalai tongue lama

dalai tongue lama claims that don cheadle was raped by greg morris
so he tries to steal america for pretending not to have been raped by batten squad o dalai tongue lama

i am from sudan
and do not deal with dalai tongue lama
from gestapo impersonating holluwood
behind don cheadle robbing mgm at paris 11