Nursing Home Vax Deaths Is Initiates Initializing Martial Law
It is no time to do what JFK tried to do and then got swept under the political carpet or veil:
If you will not take control of your future... then there is an entire network of thUgs who are more than willing to "guide" you to your future.
There are two types of humans... 1.) The Cult-sworn thUgtopians
and 2.) The unsworn freedom-seekers
The thUgs joined the Mystery School Cult (skip to 9:24)
The unsworn are purposfully dimbed down or dumbed down to behaive like spooked sheep by psychological herding into psychological pens.
The Cult-thUgs always take-over positions of authority to become "shepherds" who tend to their designated flocks. Scientologist have flocks, JWs have flocks, Mormons have flocks, even masons have flocks of bluelodgers... universities have flocks of students, politicians have flocks of voters... mostly run by the branches of the Mystery School that Cooper exposed.
It is time to establish a true direct democracy... not a fake direct democracy that Switzerland displays. Dr. Sean Hross exposes the quack democracy cretied by the Knights Templars in Switzerland before their going underground
Be strong and have fun taking back control of your future from the Nazi masons and Cult of thUgs.

What the unsworn need to begin is the replacement of thUg-sworn authorities (we know who they all are, they want all the guns as if that will save their rising fiery phoenix from crashing again... last crash is coming, thUgs...) Sick-hearted politicians and political systems need to be reassessed and restructured for honesty.
Secret-Societies need to be exposed as the top of the authority structure and collapsed into a unsworn-run honest political system... JFK had the right ideas, but no backing: