Innocent, Brainchpped, Bio-Robot, Fake-Zombies Are Remote-Controlled by Freemasonic (Luciferian) Nano-Tech
Elon Musk is pretending to develop his fake "Neuralink" brainchip to mask 50 year-old nanotech. The real brainchips are magnetic and function the way Polina Anikeeva describes here: BUT Polina is pretending that it is a future brain interfacing technology.
This video pretends that the jabbs are causing the brainchip bio-robots to act strange... no... this is the Freemasonic Luciferian prelude to the brainchip-zombies roaming the streets and biting other people. The CDC and Hollywood were already preparing the sheeple to accept fake zombies:
Car and truck attacks are conducted with the aid of "celdar" surveillance to secretly slaughter the sheep: This video is just pretending that the vaxx is to blame... while secret-society thUgs snicker at the bio-robots "acting for the cameras" to frighten and confuse the "profane herd."
These are remote-controlled displays of Freemasonic technology harming and killing innocent people.
I warned non-Cult-sworn people about the brainchip-zombies for years: and only now are some awakening:
These poor souls are heterodyned(brainchip remote controlled) by Freemasons to ease the sheep into believing the vaxx is to blame... but no, these are actually covertly brainchipped sheep or bio-robots.

Freemasons are in control of the bio-robots if A.i. is not smart enough to control them all, yet.
This manchurian candidate was covertly implanted with a computer brain interface. That is what Freemasonic medical Mafia do. They have crews that wait until a target is isolated and alone and then the pick the lock and the team sneak into the home or place where the target is sleeping.
The target was tricked into drinking or eating enough magnetic nano-particles so that the energy/magnetic non-lethal weapon can turn the sleep into unconsciousness. Their weapons can also induce heavy mind and sleepiness to accellerate a wide awake target to get the implanting started sooner.
This is why you need a chain on your doors and lock them when you sleep... many freemasons are locksmiths because it is their craft to sneak and cull sheep.