ALCOHOLISM AND A.A is Luciferian-Freemasonic Controlled, By MAG
Look at the "Circle Triangle logo" on the cover photo... It is Luciferian!!!
I also notice that Luciferians typically own bars and pubs. The workers are usually Cult, also

Another thing you need to know about the Act of 1871 Backwards Military Militant Combatant U.S. FLAG Patches is that the USA is not a Republic, nor a Democracy, that stuff is all for the Trump and Biden {TV SHOWS} [{**}] by these Hollywood Fake Jews since the end of the MUD FLOOD WARS in 1855, You are Owned by a Federation of U.S. Corporations called FREE MASON Lodges in your home towns...
and since we were all once [INCUBATOR BABIES] +=+ in 1893, the FREE MASON Lodges of and for Hollywood Fake Jews USA USA USA from the Book of Revelation have made a lot of Fake PRO - USA USA USA (Propaganda) and Indoctrination NON-MASON because that FREE MASON Lodge Runs "your" States FLAGS.......,
and your 50 State National CONSTITUTIONS as the USA is now being replaced by U.N. Troops of NATO and Space Force taking over all FEDERATION Agencies / Religions / Military Bases of and for The United States of America here in 2022 to 2023 being Black Rock - G4S - Grey Scale - Academi - Black Stone - Allied: too replace` all' LOCAL POLICE Departments by Deagel . com / countries in 2025 aka the completion of JADE HELM 15 renamed COVID-19 The Stake Holders of CORPORATIONS and Capitalist of and for Capitalism no matter how many of you NON-MASON must die in War Games like Ukraine.........,
and you are nothing more then American Citizens N.O.W. as the Suits and Ties and Skirts call you on your Local - National - International NEWS here in these 50 States Taken over by the UNITED NATIONS of Corporations aka Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 the [SDG] Green Washing by the U.S. Back Wards FLAG Corporations of these Internationalist of and for WAR GAMES that we non-mason die and kill in WAR IS MURDER....
The Wars from WORLD WAR ONE to all other since 1933 have been to remove your CAPITAL like when the Federal Reserve used the U.S. Military to take all U.S. Citizen GOLD by Use of Force and these God Damn EXECUTIVE ORDERS of Trump and Biden!!!!
You are no longer a U.S. Citizen if you ever were during what ever was called WORLD WAR ONE!!!!!
You can do your own study on this U.S. FEDERATION by looking at Hollywood Movies from 1933 to each ERA aka Decade aka Every 10 YEARS all things change 1943 - 1953 - 1963 - 1973 so into 2023 till the END OF THE WORLD in 2093 aka 2094 CE...
#JinxC` ?