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Exposing the A.I. Worship of the rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel which uses brainchips and 5G microwaves.

JamesRoss - 831 Views
Published on 29 Mar 2021 / In Technology

The disk or circle surrounded by the serpent is symbolic of the A.I. radiating computer-god that puts the voice of god weapon into targeted individual's heads. This image is from Dr. Sean Hross who shows in his videos the disk with two wings or bars on building that indicates that household contains Cult-minions, or once did when built.

The Primer Field model of David LaPoint shows how The dome shaped magnetic fields are what surrounds light: This is one of the big secrets that masons assassinate unsworns who figure this shit out. I know they are murderous thUgs since I the caught me distributing my CDs back in 2006, their ss has been trying to knock me off... but I keep coming back from the dead, haa ha!.... they are in trouble, now.

This is ancient technology by which the Mystery School Cult of pathetic-minions will fabricate a new fake-religion for the 2.0 brainchipped humans... as the thUgs destroy all the old-world-order religions using the brainchip to undermine their beliefs. The new religion will seem all powerful but it is old technology and no long hold the power over humanities desire to have free-will. Most religions are fake but human-spirituality is not fake, but Homo sapiens are a young species and we are still easy to manipulate. We are spiritual being having a physical experience. We are physically the spirit in the flesh. And the unsworn are awakening to the thUgs manipulating and genociding our species.

The NWO, human-thUgs networking into a hivemind of fake-hate and self-righteous greed have all been fooled and tricked by the ancient-thUgs... brainwashed into thinking that implanting a brainchip and having synthetic telepathy is "spiritual evolution"... it is not. I read these idiots within the hivemind telling the unsworn to evolve or die. These minons are on their chosen path to self-annihilation because they believe Homo capensis or the satan-race that hides from the public eye and hides their skulls and ancient artifacts... is their best buddy and has their survival at heart. Fools, they hate all humans! They are just using them to genocide the entire species, eventually.

The dumb thing is the human-thUgs actually believe the Earth is theirs for the killing if the unsworn are to dumb to rise-up and defy their claim to own the future. They do not own anything within this universe and their chosen path will destroy them (EXITUS ACTA PROBAT) And their murderous soul-fragments are shrinking and decaying as the ancient-thUgs laugh at them more than they laugh at the unsworn people (who allow themselves to be psychologically herded around like sheeple).

But the unsworn do not have to die from fright. Your challenge is to save your species and defy fear of death. All life has spiritual roots and that is what an A.I. computer will never have... a real soul. And no Cult-minions' souls or minds can be intercepted from death by the brainchip nor some fake-singularity through which Lucifer is expected to come in from another dimension. Not going to happen. You masons will meet your real makers... will they use the lambskin "aprons of innocence" to hide their faces?

Homo capensis only wants one thing... to beat the Creator God's blueprint for mankind, to stop true spiritual evolution. They turned human-minions into spiritual-morons who even murdered their own Manly P. Hall. They are bamboozled morons trying to bring down their own species and replaces it with spiritual-garbage. The ancient-thUgs altered their genetics using A.I. so that they could live extremely long lives and fake soul-transfer into a clone. Human minion want to become cyborgs that don't eat nor shit like the BORG, but their soul-fragments are pathetically shrunken and they will not make it to such a fake destination. Homo capensis is the lost guiding the Cult-minions who thus become lost, as well. So much for the masonic brotherhood of thUgs and all the other Mystery School Cult-thUgs like the Rosicrucians.

The unsworn can now see the thUgs manipulating and preparing for massive genocide as they spring their fake-vaccination trap. The thUgs will fail (but many unsworns will choose to die) and be tried for treason against our own species if they cannot upload/suicide themselves first. But they have lots of underground military bases to go hide-out in. Big buckets of water can flush them out..

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