Alan Watt is Interviewed by TheFreemanPerspective on Oct. 18th 2007 Talking about Brainchips and A.i.
Consider helping this master-exposer keep his refrigerator from going empty.
I have never found Alan Watt to be deceptive.
I have disagreed with his claim that "the NWO cannot be stopped." They had him convinced a few years ago that they are unstoppable, but then I began to inform him that the NWO cannot murder me within this multidimenisonal universe created continuously by our Creator-God. That the Creator-God has provided the Seth-Books to defeat the Satan-race and their Freemasonic traitors to humanity. The NWO will fail within your probable-world if you lovingly desire for your species to survive the unworthy thUgs who destroy Nature on purpose.
Alan no long says: "the NWO is unstoppable..."
I believe the NWO genocide of Homo sapiens will fail and the Mystery School Cult will dry-up and blow away in the winds of the loving Creator-God's Nature.
Nature is being used by the wwCult as a weapon against the "profane." Using Nature in this way will backfire, again, just like the way the Atlantean all perished by a simple act of Nature while they used weather-control to attack the loving-sheeple.
"Climate-Change" is a NWO term to describe the satan-race weather-weapons given to the treacherous Freemasons and other thUgs.
You must participate in defending your species from extinction and protect Nature from the thUgs... The birds and the bees need your efforts... if you just sit back expecting someone else to save you from the thUgs, then the Creator-God will deem you personally to be just another unworthy soul-fragment like the fake humanists:
Read the Seth-Books and develop your "Inner Senses" and you will become smarter and spiritually more knowing and thus more powerful an adversary to the satan-race:
If you liked Alan here... then you would like to hear what Alan was saying back in 2007 and is coming to pass right now:
But what Alan does not realize is that our Creator-God has all of us in an illusionary physical-reality playground where we all get to develop our abilities to EFFECTIVELY control our GODLY, loving creativity.
In order to "graduate" physical-reality and take your developing soul-fragment into deeper levels of consciousness, you will need to develop your familiarity and control of your inner senses.
The Freemason minions have banned my website teaching this at and there must be thUgs or minions running that site since they will not answer my emails to ask why the ban was put in place.
but I noticed I still have still working
You can buy the book "The Seth Material" and go to chapter 19: