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Alan Watts Exposed As a Luciferian By Alan Watt(RIP)

JamesRoss - 586 Views
Published on 30 Dec 2023 / In People and Blogs

The people in "T&H Inspiration" are Luciferians just like Bertrand Russell was, and Alan Watts still is a living Luciferian. To be a Luciferian you need to make a pact with the devils, Homo capensis, to implant a brainchip into their own skulls to connect-up to the wireless hivemind to help bring about the NWO-takeover of planet Earth.

The ESP that Watts talks about is actually the synthetic telepathy which comes from the implanted brain computer interfaces(BCIs), you see.
BCIs are ancient technology which comes from the past Lumanian Civilization
or Homo capensis. The hivemind brainchip technology had existed long before Homo sapiens existed. Watts is double-speaking pretending that real ESP is his topic. Watts is a pusher of brain implants through predictive programming the sheeple.

Alan Watt could not come to grips that an ancient failed-mankind, Homo capensis, is still in control of their creation, their Mystery School cUlt of minions like the Freemasons and Jesuits and Eastern-Star women.
Alan Watt had a heart attack in 2021, he was a loving soul, not like the all the genocidal Luciferians pretending to be intellectuals. Luciferians are mostly sheepdogs who live lives of acting to misguide the sheeple.


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