Alan Watt - "What Is A Targeted Individual? A Casualty Of War" 3.4.22
[Original broadcast Dec. 19, 2012]
"For Major Legal Changes, Tragedies are Born,
Collective Punishment Follows, Constitutions Torn,
There's Been a War Raging on the Majority
So World can Be Ruled by New Dominant Minority,
Cultural Cohesiveness Attacked and Unglued,
Unwitting Ethnic Groups Used to Foment Feud,
So the Masters can Dominate, Bringing in Laws,
They Expand Like Cancer, Tax-Funded Greedy Paws,
Every Country They Enter, They Always Criticize,
Eradicate its Culture, Add to Global Enterprise"
Polio Vaccine Campaign - 'Mad Cow' Disease - Creation of Vegetarian World - Bank Crashes and Austerity - Collective Punishment - Ireland to legalise Abortion - Europe, IMF and Irish Bailout - Conditions on Loans from IMF - Facebook Posting by Israeli Embassy in Ireland - Council on Foreign Relations - Mental Health Testing of Every Citizen - Militarized SWAT Teams Patrol Arkansas Town - Roadside Cavity Searches - US Farm Bill, Scare Tactic of Higher Milk Prices -
Orwellian Pablum on Well-Being - DARPA Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasound Technology - Radio Frequency Weapons.
"Remember you’ve been involved in warfare your whole life and never knew it, you never knew there was a group that declared war upon you before you were born and a lot of them didn’t get born because of it actually. And also on your parents before you and your grandparents too. Perpetual war – to change all of society the into the way that this particular minority wanted it to be changed into."
Link to transcript .pdf:
July 21, 2005
Alan Watt on "Road to Freedom" Radio Program with Eleanor White
Topics include: Electronic Assisted Vigilante Gang Stalking, Mind Control, Electronic Harassment, Secret Societies, Advanced Technologies, Dirty Tricks, Government Agencies, Three Levels of Science, Helicopter Chimney Bomb, Disaster at the Printers, Chartered Schools, Behaviour Modification, HAARP Technology - Pulsation - Conductive Atmosphere - Chemtrail Spraying of Metallic Substances, Targeting Areas of the Brain, Worldwide Culture, News and Media from Experts, Calgary - 1948 - Sprayed by Flying Fortresses

Blown away by Watt and the introduction of the program by GLOW RADIO. Very POWERFUL ?