Wireless MBI Bio-Robots Used As Brainchipzombies(Remote-Control) Riddick, Dark Athena
The Magnetic Brain Interface(MBI) (IBM backwards)
To learn more study Polina Anikeeva https://old.bitchute.com/video/x364u55XBReL/
Medical-Mafia, Freemason doctors and Eastern-Star nurses have millions of covert-implants into sleeper assassins throughout the USA, by now.
The trap is set.
Magnetic nano-particles is now in most processed foods in order to make the MBIs useable upon the sleeper bio-robot sheeple... just like an "agent" takeover in "The Matrix" or "Avatar" movies
Wake up sleeping sheep or you will be slaughtered by your own voted-for politicians, police, military, fire-departments, doctors, nurses.... the cUlt minions had the duty to live amoungst the sheep until the culling. They all use their brainchip-hivemind to serve "Operation Aurora" and "Operation Covid-19"(Satan's Sheep Slaughter) https://ugetube.com/watch/plan....demic-is-a-smokescre
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hHApJs5YwU