Whats really Happening at the Texas Border (RichieFromBoston)
By simply protesting to the Freemasons and Luciferians running the country just shows these sheeple are still in La, La, Land as to the NWO-Takeover.
The government employees replaced with communist Luciferians was all part of the Covid-19 Plandemic: https://ugetube.com/watch/plan....demic-is-a-smokescre
Hawaii energy weapon attacks showed you that the NWO now has the fire-power to burn you into homelessness within a day if and when they want to...
Protesting simply means the sheeple are still under the illusion that communist leaders like actor-Biden (who pretends to be senile) and actor-Trump (who pretends to serve the sheeple) will listen to the bleating sheep. Biden sits back with fellow Luciferians and giggles at his stupidity that the US taxpayer swallows and consumes... still...
I was phoo-phooed handing out my CDs 20 years ago about the 3rd-worldization of North America: http://911cd2005.unaux.com/
Oh, I have learned who is behind the NWO-takeover... I did not know back in 2006. Actually, I suspected some kind of secret mafia was everywhere throughout my country.
Turns out is was the Freemasonry with Temples and Lodges in every community... everywhere... they are the secret communists that Yuri Bezmenov called "The System"... he would not even identify them by name back in the 1980s. https://ugetube.com/watch/yuri....-bezmenov-psychologi
William Cooper exposed that all the secret societies serve the same masters: https://ugetube.com/watch/will....iam-cooper-mb-19-68t
Today, every position of authority is filled by one of these cUlt members because Covid-19 was designed to attack the non-cUlt-sworn people and fire them from their jobs... the good people were being removed from government position so Luciferians serving the NWO could replace them. If they took the clot-shot, then they would get sick or die always. No placebos were accidentally handed out. Everyone had a number and assessment whether they needed to die or not. All Luciferians were given placebos and got their vaccine passports and kept their government parasite-job or were hired because they had a fake vaccine-passport. Non-cUlt workers with a vaccine-passport were poisoned to die or get sick.
This is the NWO-Takeover...
2024 will bring out the brainchip sleeper assassins and bio-robots to turn your society upside-down if you cannot come to grips with their technology: https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....nchip-zombies-sleepe
source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/22rElC9DLJu6/

Freemasons are the secret communists hiding within Western Civilization...(along with all the other Luciferian secret society branches)
New Atlantean bloodlines are not afraid of giving up power because the Tower-Of-Babel is already rebuilt TOB.ezyro.com, The brainchip-hivemind is in control of the CCP and Russian technocracy(Putin is a Swizzy Templar in secret).
Starlink is expanding the brainchip-hivemind and AI control over the entire globe without towers. Resistance will be burnt into homelessness just like Hawaii, Lahaina or Fort McMurray... anywhere around the world.
Terror from the sky will frighten sheeple into compliance unless they turn into tigers of resistance.