RichieFromBoston: Every American Needs to Watch this Video, This is Happening Worldwide!
RFB (9/6/2024): America Is being destroyed from the Inside, While other countries are Fighting to hold on to any semblance of community or National Pride.
Somehow ALL Westernized Countries Are Dealing With Almost Identical Issues. America, Germany, Norway Ireland and the UK.
What exactly ties these distant Countries together. Ill show you in this video.
Video First Published: Sept 6, 2024
-------------------- CHRISTIANS:
The time is at hand.
Be sure you are saved and not just think you are:

I DON'T have a driver license, registration tags or insurance .... I travel in my private household proerty ALL OVER the place .... I will BLOW the fuckin head off the cocksucker pig that TRIES to violate MY RIGHTS or imprison ME on COLOR of LAW BULLSHIT on the spot .... ANY of you cocksucker pigs DON'T like that ???? COME the fuck and do something about it .....

that person: @1:46 spoke for 1 minute and 19 seconds and said: "UM" 19 Times in that minute and 19 seconds of speech.

they always start off with: Swore an Oath, Fought for Freedom for the u.s.
the Oath we swore to says: Defend the Constitution against all Enemies, Foreign and Domestic.
Well all those battles overseas, has zero to do with the Constitution of the u.s..
The Enemies to the Constitution are All Domestic Enemies.
Don't see any of those people who love to spew those words: "I Swore An Oath" ever defending the constitution against these Domestic Enemies.
government agents/police/politicians/president/congress/senate, All them proudly say they Swore the Oath. and They are the ones who Break the Law of the Constitution they swore to Defend.
it is Not afghanistan, iraq, iran or any other country Breaking the Laws of the Constitution.

For a most-helpful guide to the narrow way and true, Biblical salvation, freely-download and prove out the PDF here, while there is still time:
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1Thess 5:21)