Two Freemasonic Clowns Play Out Their Fake Stage-Play of Deception
We see you Freemasonic monsters...
Do you see your feet dangling?
Why don't they touch the floor?
Strange, is it to see your feet sweeping back and forth for alivated support.
Does Lucifer alivater your souls?
YOur souls have actually decayed away by murdering the sheep.
What went wrong with the rise of "New Atlantis" from the ashes of the sheep?
Don't tell me that your fake Utopia failed again!!! Dew to spiritually moronic incompetence of the Cult...
Did that Fiery Phoenix break it's neck in a sudden crash?
You Freemasons are pathetic!!!
Haaa ha!
Obama is a brainchipped puppet just like Dubbya!! woops... wrong video link...
Well, this is getting closer to the Freemasons:
This is even closer yet...
Here is what I was trying to find... Obama is another brainchipped puppet!

Lying creep! Always minimizing true evil! What an evil f+**!!!

It is so pathetic to watch a murderous-thUgs plotting their murderous rampage... and snickering how sneaky they are when we catch them with their own words.
Hmmm where are you monsters going to run and hide when we begin your trials?
Is there some bottomless pit that you guys built somewhere?