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Sineh - 3,206 المشاهدات
3,206 المشاهدات
نشرت في 30 Nov 2020 / في غير الربحية والنشاط

This is a nanobot, an intelligent nanotechnology robot! (In vaccines)
Imagine thousands of these nanobots in your body, acting on their own initiative.
Because that is what the vaccine will contain, which will be an intelligent vaccine or alternative treatment like regeneration, which will contain thousands of these little robots and whose function will be to protect you and feed on the viruses and bacteria that attack your bodies. Supposedly a good thing!
But who guarantees it? What if these nanobots start to feed more of your antibody lymphocytes and your healthy cells?

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3 تعليقات sort ترتيب حسب

JamesRoss منذ 3 سنوات

Yes, Dr. Madej exposes that some nano-bots manufacture neural-toxins that accumulates until a weak body part fails.
She exposes that governments are not what they seem to be. The Freemasons are not government for the unsworn... they are a wwCult of thUgs who are in control of everything authoritative. The "Refuge" of the Knights Templars is Switzerland or the 4 Columns... the Freemasons (and other thUgs) are the Fifth Column in the English-speaking countries
Never back down to the tyranny.

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AH2775 منذ 3 سنوات

Please share where you got this video from to be able to share it and have more bases related to vaccines since all the fact (fuck) checkers are eliminating all the information from social networks! ... those cursed ones are destroying the true information and we need to have all the well-structured bases from where we get the information to show it to everyone!

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JamesRoss منذ 3 سنوات

No, no, no... You have suspicions but you do not know that the Mystery School Cult created the Knights Templars and thus the Freemasons and all the other networking thUgs like the "Assassins Sect" Study the refuge of the Knights Templar exposed by Dr. Sean Hross

Non of the nanobots will help the unsworn.

There is an ancient species that manipulated Earthling genetics to create their salvation to revitalize their species Homo capensis.

But, the revitalization experiment failed and Humans became their own species... we were made to be as powerful as possible and this is why the ancients feel the Creator-GGod disallowed their men to interbreed with Human women... Homo sapiens became a new species.

Now, the ancient thUgs are furious with Nature's rejection of their sperm... they want to destroy Humanity.
So they created the secret-societies (Templars, Assassins Sect, Hospitalers, Rosicrucians, Mormons, JWs, Scientologists) who are brainwashed to be too stupid and greedy to see through their deception and eugenics scheme.

The idiots who think A.I. will become so powerful that it will upload their mind into Lucifer's singularity are pathetic traitors to their own species. They preach "Ad Astra" that they will become cyborgs and travel to the stars... this is just a horrible lie that the pathetic humans have fallen for and thus... they will be filtered out to meet their oblivion.
I have been identifying them... those silly, fragmented soul are so clueless.

The nanobots are not your friends, sir...

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