Meanwhile Behind Uvalde Shooting (Designed by brainchip-hivemind Freemasonic thUgs to Attack the 2nd Ammendment...) Central Banks Say They Will Seize Your Assets and CHILDREN
This is exactly how the Freemasons use the brainchip hivemind to bamboozle the people unaware of their rebuilt Tower of Babel. The Freemasons blocked my so I uploaded it here: Just open the index.html
My Anti Secret Society Movement webpage is also blocked: just open the index.html
Stop the Freemasonic Luciferian takeover by shutting down their rebuilt "great work"... the Tower-Of-Babel
The brainchip hivemind is the secret tool that the Freemasons use now to guide society. They did not scan the shooter for a brainchip. All the truck attacks are likely brainchipped sleeper assassins, too.
Wake up World, the Luciferians are on the march, or just sitting around using their hivemind:


need to participate in THE FISCAL REVOLUTION, dr Meno