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    Know Your Enemy (Part 7 - Tower of Babel Heaven)

    JamesRoss - 254 Views
    Published on 28 Mar 2021 / In Spiritual

    I am not a Christian, but this is very relevant to the attacks placed upon the people not sworn with oaths to the Mystery School Cult's many secret societies. As a teenager, they wanted me to join Demolay, but I rejected being blindfolded and being lead by another teenager in the dark basement of a masonic hall. Obviously my father and grandfather were freemasons.

    So on my own I have deciphered the Tower-of-Babel story that the Christians here have not figured out. The Khufu Giza Pyramid had an A.I. supercomputer on top of it. A computer-god that is all-seeing and all-knowing by means of microwaves that it radiated. This is what the masons call "The Light of Lucifer". The Light is the information carried within the microwave signals. This is why the USA has a worshipful Giza Khufu Pyramid on the back of the 1 dollar fiat debt note. The masons put it there to remind them of their goal or great work. It is worship of the ancient civilization of Lumania where A.I. Jehovah commanded the brainchipped minions and killed the defectors because the brainchips can read all of one's thoughts.

    Trepanning was a very popular ancient medical procedure because people back then knew the brainchips where fucking with their minds... so they chipped open their skulls and removed the chip so they could think straight. The masons and Eastern stars are sabotaging humanity by covertly brainchipping key people in every family in order to rip apart all family structures. The children are likely first to be brainchipped and they will rebel against the family.

    Isn't the Cult very, very sneaky?

    You see, my channel is good because I am telling you the most important secrets of this day and age because the Tower-Of-Babel has been rebuilt by the Freemasons... that is what they hide calling it their "Great Work" To rebuild the hivemind, killer, mind-control A.I. computer god that is hidden within the writings of most religions because the ancient thUgs designed those religions.

    Series exploring the coming New World Order from a Christian perspective. In this part, a look at what the Tower of Babel looked like and what it represented.

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    Bebe Rico
    7 years ago
    i started from part 1 and am still going :D

    7 years ago
    10 people are lost and need Jesus. these are fantastic!!! keep em comin!!!

    8 years ago
    Loving this series, thank you and good work!!!

    acts chapterten
    9 years ago

    Yeshua is Messiah-SUBSCRIBE Please
    9 years ago
    Top of pyramid explanation very good info!

    alun williams
    8 years ago
    fantastic work

    9 years ago
    So the all seeing eye on the back of the US dollar might be the overlooking government as well. Certainly does fit them nowadays.

    8 years ago
    John 12:31 - ""Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out." Now we are really understanding why Satan is called the ruler of this world.

    9 years ago
    exellent video

    Tracy Lewis
    9 years ago
    @liellibg Perhaps these videos will inspire those who are unfamiliar to actually read their Bibles and learn first hand what these videos are teaching. Lets hope so anyway :)

    9 years ago
    Its far past time where we all got over all this flim flam and were just people in this great world, fullstop!

    8 years ago
    2:55 That eye is creepy

    Linda Casablanca-Potter
    7 years ago
    Very interesting to why God commanded Adam and Eve, and later to Noah, to "be fruitful and multiply..." to spread out and occupy the earth. Specifically, to promote keep people from uniting against God.

    Polarice Swiss
    7 years ago
    445 pages? and u start with itsnt professional.... ummm I will read the first 50 and tell you about it, if u dont hear about me then im enjoying spring season with your book afterwork somewhere with grass (real one) and nice ppl around ;)
    8 years ago
    diversification can only come from different ways of of living and thought!

    9 years ago
    4:50 to 5:02 the problem i have with this is god does not truly talk to us...all a christian has to go on is faith and in HEBREWS 11:1 it even says its hoped for and not i wrong about thats all we have to go on? because if i am i would love to know..good video thumbs up....

    7 years ago
    About the very last part, didn't God assign an angel to guard the entrance of Eden so that no one could enter there again? If this is true, then my next question is how was Babylon "located back at Eden" as you stated at the end of the video? Awesome information overall though. God bless.

    S Tulak
    8 years ago
    I use a hole punch to take that out of all my one dollar bills.

    8 years ago
    Where is part 8?

    Melissa Baker
    8 years ago
    Each temple or pyramid was carefully with accuracy beyond their possible means., Tracking astrological signs, times, and star movements. From there they sacrifice the innocent,t young women, infants at exact times. Offending, and hurting God,every country of the earth.It was done to hurt God, Imagine how he felt, like you would feel after waiting 10 years to finally have a child. Then watch as your child is then murdered
    on an alter without mercy. again and again.

    Kory Hutchinson
    8 years ago
    Josephus said the tower of babel was being built so tall so to escape another flood.

    9 years ago
    Don't forget, He shows His righteous decrees from the beginning, since when those who are "made in the image of God", the believers, have rebelled against God in the past, there would be a diaspora, and they were scattered throughout the earth.

    Alex Hagood
    9 years ago
    the truth is burned on our lips

    9 years ago
    wow all the asumptions and interpretation is unreal
    8 years ago
    The Geogia Guidestones says it's goal is to unite humanity under a new living language. Hmm....

    Chrissea Olam
    8 years ago
    Man, if only programs like this would be shown on t.v.!!! Even these fake "Christian" cable channels wouldn't go this deep...

    gypsy camel
    8 years ago
    that's what they want you to think

    Trine Overå Hansen
    9 years ago
    @nibletxxx God speaks to our hearts, through words pictures and tounges. The written word is the most important source, the Word can "open" itself so you can understand by the Holy Spirit.. You can feel his comfort, presence, love and peace. Faith is being in touch with the unseen reality, it's not agreeing theoretically. To have fellowship with God you must worship him in spirit and in truth. Step nr.1 is asking forgiveness for all your sins, and receiving Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

    Marx Stephens
    8 years ago
    The eye shown in this video is actually the Eye of Providence, meaning God is watching over the United States. The other, ancient looking eye that follows is the Eye of Horus, an Egyptian symbol in mythology and also used in ancient mathematics. They are not the same thing.

    8 years ago
    the eye on the pyrimid is a cap stone symbolizing it is not finished yet, pyrimid is the tower of babel on the dollar.. which means when the anti christ comes he will finish off the cap stone and the whole earth on unity

    jindan kaur
    8 years ago
    the Osiris-Isis-Horus story is based on Babylon...
    says Alexander Hislop in 'The Two Babylons'...and the historic research
    backs up...we seem to focus only on Egypt, from where christianity came..
    but judaism & kabbalah came from was a one world hierarchy
    because the same stories & same dates repeat worldwide...just the tongues
    are confused

    Ancel Christian Nagy
    9 years ago
    I don't think the earth was the same after the Flood. So the Tower of Babel is in no way close to Eden. It's a good metaphorical idea. However, the Flood destroyed and reshaped the entire land. So Eden was taken away 5 chapters before the Tower of Babel. A caveat : )
    Charles McClure
    Charles McClure
    9 years ago
    Where are the archaeological remains of this massive temple?
    9 years ago
    soo can we cuss, like say the f word? or is that society based?

    8 years ago
    It is. They are the same religion.

    8 years ago
    If you look you can see that it is clearly a left eye (on the dollar bill and in the video). If you've read your Bible you'd find that the left is always associated with folly, wickedness, and further unrighteousness. Ask yourself who would portray the true Living Lord of Glory by depicting his left eye? Ask yourself what does God say about making an idol or graven image of anything- including what we believe to be 'god.' 13 steps up an uncapped, 4-sided pyramid, with a 3-sided capstone. Weird

    Nick Stokes
    9 years ago
    @Arianiuss Uhm, false. It's called common sense. Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary, after being impregnated by the Holy Spirit. It only makes total sense for Jesus to be called THE Son of God. For he is the only man to ever be conceived in Mary -directly- by God himself.

    9 years ago
    Lucifer and Satan(Saturn) are not the same entity!

    9 years ago
    Ooooops, i hit the like button before I herd the christian ending which had a christian agenda. Not that i am against Christianity, but still rather he had left it on topic and open ended for us to make up our own minds

    8 years ago
    I do not get why creating a reputation for yourself is so wrong.I also do not get why societies need to believe in Satan anyway.

    Ariana Music HD
    9 years ago
    Jessu or Isa, was a prophet of God like many others, the idea Jesus to be son of God is the biggest trap of Satanic forces, which corrupted the msg of prophet Jesus.It was Constantin emperor who declared Jesus as God after mixing Christianity with Mystery Religious.So now we have another Man God after Farao and Nimrod.Islams teaching also were corrupted by man made books called Hadiths,but the exeption is Quran and the irony is if we research we find that todays Islam completely contradict Quran

    7 years ago
    the one eye in the triangle is the anti christ. The prophet muhammed said "I warn you against him (i.e. the Dajjal) and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him but I tell you about him something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed.

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