Know Your Enemy (Part 6 - Tower of Babel The Mountain)
I am not a Christian, but this is very relevant to the attacks placed upon the people not sworn with oaths to the Mystery School Cult's many secret societies. As a teenager, they wanted me to join Demolay, but I rejected being blindfolded and being lead by another teenager in the dark basement of a masonic hall. Obviously my father and grandfather were freemasons.
So on my own I have deciphered the Tower-of-Babel story that the Christians here have not figured out. The Khufu Giza Pyramid had an A.I. supercomputer on top of it. A computer-god that is all-seeing and all-knowing by means of microwaves that it radiated. This is what the masons call "The Light of Lucifer". The Light is the information carried within the microwave signals. This is why the USA has a worshipful Giza Khufu Pyramid on the back of the 1 dollar fiat debt note. The masons put it there to remind them of their goal or great work. It is worship of the ancient civilization of Lumania where A.I. Jehovah commanded the brainchipped minions and killed the defectors because the brainchips can read all of one's thoughts.
Trepanning was a very popular ancient medical procedure because people back then knew the brainchips where fucking with their minds... so they chipped open their skulls and removed the chip so they could think straight. The masons and Eastern stars are sabotaging humanity by covertly brainchipping key people in every family in order to rip apart all family structures. The children are likely first to be brainchipped and they will rebel against the family.
Isn't the Cult very, very sneaky?
You see, my channel is good because I am telling you the most important secrets of this day and age because the Tower-Of-Babel has been rebuilt by the Freemasons... that is what they hide calling it their "Great Work" To rebuild the hivemind, killer, mind-control A.I. computer god that is hidden within the writings of most religions because the ancient thUgs designed those religions.
Series exploring the coming New World Order from a Christian perspective. In this part, a look at what the Tower of Babel looked like and what it represented.
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8 years ago
Ah !, the eye at the top of the Pyramid !. Semiramis was Lilith/Ishtar, its all making sense now !.
8 years ago
yes nimrod is also known as osiris and semiramis know as isis he is known as appolyon abaddon dyonisus and so on hope that helps
8 years ago
That could mean the tower on the back of the dollar bill could be a symbol of the tower of babble.
Mr Irrepressible
9 years ago
have you remade the series cos I got emails saying you uploaded new vids, but when I checked they were ones you already uploaded
Yeshua is Messiah-SUBSCRIBE Please
9 years ago
This is very interesting explanation of Tower of Babel.
9 years ago
Hi Fuel Project,
Is there a way that I can watch the videos in one shot?
Linda Casablanca-Potter
7 years ago
So, even though the Tower was never completed due to God's scattering the people through language, Nimrod and his wife still ruled the people??? This is all very interesting...can't wait to watch the next clip. Thank you for posting all these! Awesome! Oh, I do have one more question....what are your sources for all the information contained in these clips? Thank you ahead of time for your answers!
8 years ago
thanx very good!!
gypsy camel
8 years ago
likewise the 2 inverted towers of babel in the alleged "star of david" [phallic/vaginal "yin/yang" = star of remphan/moloch acts7:43]
Norseman Trader
9 years ago
Would you let me know if this has anything to do with Aztecs? they had pyramid shaped buildings also.
8 years ago
Wow. I can see you're clearly in the possession of a very healthy, calmly-collected, non-emotionally driven mind. Thanks for sharing, "Narcissist". Shouldn't you be playing with yourself somewhere? :)
Comic Junglist
7 years ago
What reference do you use when giving all of this extra-biblical information on Semiramis. The Bible doesn't mention any of this. I am skeptical ...
9 years ago
I love his accent.
Victor Kain
8 years ago
No, from what i understand nimrod the king of bablyon wanted the tower, god didn't want it so he further divided his people by making them speak differently.
gypsy camel
8 years ago
want to apologize 4 adding word "your" to private interpretations. didn't mean to personalize it. love is a good thing :)
9 years ago
At :05 the "6" is missing.
William Tarbush
9 years ago
@nibletxxx The passage in Psalm 82:6 cannot apply to men. In 82:7, we see that this group is to die "Like men" which implies they are different from men.
8 years ago
this guy said egypt, africa and south america. last time i checked egypt was in africa. why did he say it like egypt and africa are in two different places or regions?
9 years ago
2:20 to 2:27 you imply that men are not gods i agree because i dont believe in god..however, in the book of PSALM 82:6 the bible says we are gods...i may very well be takeing this out of context...but,if i am can you show me?also i saw the moon at 4:02 at wal mart on a box in paper was faceing 13 stars so no dout there is some evil stuff going on out there...good video thumbs up...
Tony J
8 years ago
I think the maker of this video had read Alexander Hillslop too many times,